SUCH BS: Self Proclaimed "Wartime Speaker" Mike Johnson Says His Situation is "Comparable to The Civil War but Maybe Worse" (VID...
Speaker of The House Mike Johnson on Tuesday told reporters, “I regard myself as a wartime speaker… in a literal sense,” as the embattled speaker faces pushback from his Republican colleagues for his leadership since taking over the House.
Sympathy is gonna be a hard sell while you are stealing our money Mikey.
Civil War? He's more like Benedict Arnold in the Revolutionary War.
Wartime Speaker? Didn't Trump call himself a wartime President? Didn't Trump and Johnson appear on the same stage not long ago?
There is more going on here than meets the eye, a psyop where everyone plays a role and then fades to the background. President Trump made a decision long ago to allow the deep state to expose themselves to the world. So while many anons want justice and conservative bills passed in Congress, Trump wants full disclosure. The rest will occur after November when circumstances allow.
Trump wasnt speaking of a war with Russia. He was speaking g of the war against the deep state right here in the U.S.A. an insurgency just like Q told us. Law of war manual, 2009 u.s. handbook on counterinsurgency, EEO's, taking arrows for us right here exposingbit all in our government. Johnson as far as I'm concerned just got exposed.
Whatever. You pinheads have cried wolf too many times. Send half your blood children to the war then. Fund them from your own pocket too. In fact you go you pseudo Christian spineless fake.
Trump said he was a wartime president. I believe this is still true (i.e. COG, Devolution). If trump is still a wartime president wouldn't Mike Johnson the be a wartime speaker?
Yes but on the opposing side.
I believe Mike Johnson is just playing his part in a very large and complex psyop.
Yes, but for the opposing side.
Totally agree.
.Ike Johnson is a wartime speaker in the deep state corporate government. Unless this is to speed the demise of the u.s. economy then he is a pos. I suppose we will see but I think he is exposed now as dirty. Sending our kids to die in Ukraine and our money to support nazis and corrupt kickbacks here seems a bit loose with the script.
I see what you are saying and I agree with you. We have been in full out 5G warfare for many years now. Decades really. Most recently, though, covid was an absolutely global panic to get a global bioweapons into the arms of as many people as possible.
Almost everything we used to believe in has turned out to be false. Pearl Harbor, JFK assassination, 9-11, and on and on.
Having said all that, Mike Johnson is a world-class loser who is stealing our money and laundering it through Ukraine. No doubt about it. He is the Chief Uniparty Laundromat Manager at the moment. NOT a wartime speaker. F him.