posted ago by RandomNumber ago by RandomNumber +29 / -0

What Next After Trans?


After noting that there is now enough opposition to the whole trans movement, particularly transitioning children, there is light at the end of the tunnel to predict that movement's demise.

But what comes next?

It is my prediction that these ghouls will turn their hands, their drugs and their tools from the body to the mind. We will find more and more children prescribed brain altering drugs to cure or tame a whole spectrum of ‘mental’ illnesses. An exhilarating selection of amphetamines are already prescribed by the NHS to children with ADHD: methylphenidate, lisdexamfetamine, dexamfetamine, atomoxetine and guanfacine, whose side-effects include: decreased appetite (great idea for growing children), aggression (another win for the already behaviourally challenged) and agitation, (just the ticket for a fidgety child).

The damage unleashed by the concerned ‘experts’ and complicit parents will be insidious thanks to the invisible nature of the task. There will be no embarrassing beards or double mastectomies with which to later reproach the professionals. Just chemically lobotomised minds and lost lives.

And to those who say with furious compassion, “what is your medical expertise, I’m going to trust the experts, thank you”, I answer: how did that work out for the trans children?

I then predict euthanasia on a grand and obscene scale. ...

The potential exists, but this could be overstated. Not that there are not people/doctors willing to "go there", but that the official tranny movement (on top of the whole covid authoritarianism) has pissed so many people off that there is simply no appetite to tolerate doctors "experimenting" on children anymore. It may take a decade or so, but a LOT of doctors are going to lose licenses, and some sanity is going to return to the medical profession. That's my prediction.