X22 Ep. 3335b A great X22 Report With Updates On What Is Happening Now And Whats Coming!
X22 on N C S W I C
A must listen to episode of X22 Report full updates on Trump’s cases, his current moves, why he was put in place, what’s going on currently, and what’s going to come over the summer toward Election. Dave really stresses the total resetting of most of Congress. The removal and change of guard for all of these political criminals!
The Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!
Me too. I used to listen to him daily but it's the same thing. I have often thought that Dave may be AI. The repetition, the monotony of his voice. The crypto shilling. Good message, but something feels off. Now I listen to the Salty Cracker just to bring a smile to myself .
His interviews are absolutely great, regardless.
Yes!!! Something does feel off. I've always fealt this. Just couldnt put my finger on it.
His voice seems altered for sure.
But how do you know he really drank it? Shower thoughts...