Of course, in a system of indoctrination, when you pat a child on the back for regurgitating the propaganda properly, when you give them rewards of good grades, scholarships and you stroke their weakness to be ego driven into believing they are intellectually superior to their peers, that they are special, then you have them classically conditioned just like a dog. They'll genuflect at the alter of those who are like them and believe it is the wisdom of the ages. The only people I've ever seen avoid it are those who believe God's Word. Seems God's Word is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of mens hearts after all. Go figure.
But most of my conservative Christian friends took the jabs to "help others" or " " not rock the boat" (mainstream evangelicals) while 90%+ of my reformed Christian friends knew the truth and never took it.
When I was arguing that very few of us were “forced” to take the jab, this is exactly what I meant.
We had people quit and risk their jobs rather than take it, and they’re going to try it again. We have to have a mindset of “No.” rather than endulging in a lack of faith.
The Methodist and Baptist churches I know all just walked mindlessly into the pharmacy and rolled their sleeves up and happily covered the very face of God.
There may be costs, and we will pay them gladly for evil must not stand.
A Christian is a born again one with Christ in them. Most are just going through the religion game. Still under the law of works. No spirituality at all. My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. If they still think and walk like natural man then they get the same results. I said the only way out is for those who " believe" God's Word. They obviously did not.
Of course, in a system of indoctrination, when you pat a child on the back for regurgitating the propaganda properly, when you give them rewards of good grades, scholarships and you stroke their weakness to be ego driven into believing they are intellectually superior to their peers, that they are special, then you have them classically conditioned just like a dog. They'll genuflect at the alter of those who are like them and believe it is the wisdom of the ages. The only people I've ever seen avoid it are those who believe God's Word. Seems God's Word is the discerner of the thoughts and intents of mens hearts after all. Go figure.
But most of my conservative Christian friends took the jabs to "help others" or " " not rock the boat" (mainstream evangelicals) while 90%+ of my reformed Christian friends knew the truth and never took it.
When I was arguing that very few of us were “forced” to take the jab, this is exactly what I meant.
We had people quit and risk their jobs rather than take it, and they’re going to try it again. We have to have a mindset of “No.” rather than endulging in a lack of faith.
The Methodist and Baptist churches I know all just walked mindlessly into the pharmacy and rolled their sleeves up and happily covered the very face of God.
There may be costs, and we will pay them gladly for evil must not stand.
A Christian is a born again one with Christ in them. Most are just going through the religion game. Still under the law of works. No spirituality at all. My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge. If they still think and walk like natural man then they get the same results. I said the only way out is for those who " believe" God's Word. They obviously did not.