Something important I think the board needs to hear to help keep this war in perspective:
T total depravity: we are inherently sinful
U unconditional atonement: we need to pay nothing for forgiveness (indeed we cannot)
L limited atonement: not all are saved
I irresistible grace: once called, your eyes will be open, you won’t be able to shut them anymore
P perseverance of the saints: we will face difficulties in this world, since our enemies consist of our own selves, other sinners and the devil himself.
I say this because fixing our government (even permanently) does not solve the God sized hole in our hearts, and there’s no good within ourselves apart from God. This is important to remember as we continue the battle, to know none of us earned salvation or righteousness so we ought to show grace for those not yet awake.
And that, my friends, is true strength.
I consider myself to be a 6-pointer.
I fully agree with TULIP.
Tulip is laser focused on what God has done and will do.
However, there is another side to the story and it is well supported in Scripture.
Here's just two: Jesus said, "unless YOU repent, you will likewise perish." Paul wrote, "therefore knowing the fear of the LORD, we persuade men."
God's Word presents two pictures to us, from two different perspectives. From my perspective, there was a day when I made a cognitive decision to surrender my life and my will to Jesus Christ. From God's perspective, He made that decision first on my behalf: "He chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world to be Holy and blameless in His sight."
Therefore, TULIP only tells one side of the story: God's side. But we must account for that other side: Man's side.
Which is it? Yes. It's both. But that doesn't make sense. Exactly!
Tulip strips us of any right to take pride, or to boast in our salvation. Yet if we reject Christ, the responsibility for our rebellion falls squarely on us.
We must accept both sides, even though in our minds they do not reconcile. Both are clearly taught in the Bible. We fill in that gap with faith, knowing that the Creator of the Universe will always do what's right. His ways, are not our ways. And His thoughts are far above our thoughts.
So we can bring the Gospel to people and call them to repent as if their salvation depends upon us. But if they reject Christ, we can fall on God's sovereignty in election because their salvation is also dependent upon His choice.
Oh, the depths of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God. Who has known the mind of the LORD, or who has been His counselor? Who has ever given to God that He should repay him? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen!
I completely agree. TULIP is meant to drive against catholic theology of man based salvation with an assist from Jesus. This absolutely does not absolve us of responsibility. 👍
No true Catholic believe’s in man based salvation. We are saved by grace through faith—as a Catholic convert, this is squarely what the Church teaches. The Catholic view, however, is that our actions demonstrate our faith. I can’t run around killing people, but saying I have faith (better translated from Greek as trust). I have to live my life following Jesus and God’s laws.
Jesus did the saving, I have to accept this by living my life accordingly, otherwise I have the risk of losing Jesus’s saving grace. I do NOT save myself.
Christ is the way, the truth, and the life.
If you can lose salvation based on your behavior, then it’s based on your works. I don’t see how this idea is compatible with grace.
So if I violate the Ten Commandments, I’m still saved? My actions don’t matter? I don’t have to choose salvation (and by extension live according to Christ’s example)?
Grace is a gift freely given. I can still say “no thanks” to the gift.