Love this story. My dad was securing the ropes on Ticonderoga or Galveston. Forget which.
Early in Vietnam.
The admiral asks, "can you drive as well as tie rope?'
My dad answers, never drove a car, but know 100% that I am better than 99%.
The admiral laughed and said, "you are my new valet"
That admiral loved my dad.
Military has changed.
I must add. Admiral asked the captain how my dad scored on the military entrance exam.
Highest, you can score.
From an eighth grade education.
The Captain told the admiral, "Exxon is hot on him, but he thinks he can create a better company and rejected them."
Lol, my dad.
Times have changed.
Edit: had time period as 70's. Was a typo. Was 60's.
He sounds like my kind of guy.
Best kind of guy!
Lucky you. I hope you realize how fortunate you are. Take good care of him as he grows old.