I’ve lived under Gov. Abbott’s regime in TX ever since he took office. He is 100% RINO and ANYTHING he does that appears like it’s helping is all optics and no teeth. Every EO and bill/law he’s signed that appears like a ‘win’ is NOT once you read the details.
The whole National Guard deployments at Eagle Pass and El Paso were mere photo pops and they’re merely routing illegals to entry points, letting them all in, and then depositing them into our country.
The TX National Guard’s presence at the border doesn’t mean diddly shit when their orders / rules of engagement are to serve as an an Uber service for the illegals. If anything, they’re adding manpower to process MORE illegals INTO the country faster. It’s a total disgrace, and oblivious Texans are falling for the propaganda all the time. Last # I heard is 1.7 MILLION illegals have been added to the Texas voter registration list. Thanks worthless Gov. Abbott! :-(
I’ve lived under Gov. Abbott’s regime in TX ever since he took office. He is 100% RINO and ANYTHING he does that appears like it’s helping is all optics and no teeth. Every EO and bill/law he’s signed that appears like a ‘win’ is NOT once you read the details.
The whole National Guard deployments at Eagle Pass and El Paso were mere photo pops and they’re merely routing illegals to entry points, letting them all in, and then depositing them into our country.
The TX National Guard’s presence at the border doesn’t mean diddly shit when their orders / rules of engagement are to serve as an an Uber service for the illegals. If anything, they’re adding manpower to process MORE illegals INTO the country faster. It’s a total disgrace, and oblivious Texans are falling for the propaganda all the time. Last # I heard is 1.7 MILLION illegals have been added to the Texas voter registration list. Thanks worthless Gov. Abbott! :-(