von mises is also controlled opp. Of course he wanted money to be gold, because all the gold is owned by 0.0001% of the population. Real currency should be backed by a wide range of commodities and also by labor-hours, you know like that evil german man did when he made germany the strongest economy in the world
Step 1 to having a budget surplus:
Step 2:
So was Ludwig von Mises, but he literally destroyed Marx (another Jew, but one that was a Globalist Deep State scum in addition, unlike Mises).
Collectivism on your scale (Jew man bad) is retarded.
von mises is also controlled opp. Of course he wanted money to be gold, because all the gold is owned by 0.0001% of the population. Real currency should be backed by a wide range of commodities and also by labor-hours, you know like that evil german man did when he made germany the strongest economy in the world
Wait, that meth-head half-Jew?