Forget MOASS, we are headed towards MOAB - “Mother of all bailouts”
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The derivitives held by all the big/bigger banks to the tune of at least 1.5 Quadrillion dollars will make bailout impossible and bail in utterly criminal...
For every bet their is a winner and a loser. Pre covid a lot of bets were made that the market would crash,if someone/ group bet the opposite they would have the big banks by the balls.....
Anyways I'm hedging with silver.
I'm my own bank.
Me too, Pbman!! 😎
Well we’ll go to Cbdc then. I think that was the plan after all.
Except MOAB will stand for Mother of All Bail-Ins, with OUR money and stocks and bonds being used to make the banks and other Elite-connected wealth centers whole.
To paraphrase an earlier meme, "All our wealth are belong to them"
I keep on reading stories of moderate amounts of money being taken out of bank accounts with no explanation, so these few years have tested reactions from customers. Some are oblivious though.
In Texas we call that stealing.
Cant keep kicking the ball down the street eventually there is going to be a mega crash.