Upwards of 95% of all abortions are used as a form of birth control. It is straight up murder. It is the harvesting of our most innocent souls for illicit purposes. Pure fucking evil.
And it is pushed by the rats for the purpose of eugenics and organ and stem cell harvesting. You dont think those octogenarians in government show up to work every day without thier dosing of stem cells when the greater bulk of those in their 80s have myriad health problems that keep them mostly shut in thier homes?
The actual Biblical quote is the GREED for money is the root of evil, but I get your point. Also, too many people have gotten to far away from God and don’t recognize the humanity of the baby in the womb.
Most abortions aren't for financial reasons, that ends up just being an excuse to justify it.
Most are just from excessive promiscuity from people who had no intention to have children anyway.
Upwards of 95% of all abortions are used as a form of birth control. It is straight up murder. It is the harvesting of our most innocent souls for illicit purposes. Pure fucking evil.
And it is pushed by the rats for the purpose of eugenics and organ and stem cell harvesting. You dont think those octogenarians in government show up to work every day without thier dosing of stem cells when the greater bulk of those in their 80s have myriad health problems that keep them mostly shut in thier homes?
I'm just on the verge of crying everytime I remember about this. we're currently living in hell on earth.
The baby is a burden on the life lived so it's killed. Exactly
It’s the “love of money” that leads to all kinds of evil. Money is a tool, nothing more :)
What's the alternative? Socialism?
We should go back to using sea shells and shiny objects as currency
The actual Biblical quote is the GREED for money is the root of evil, but I get your point. Also, too many people have gotten to far away from God and don’t recognize the humanity of the baby in the womb.