posted ago by enough_of_the_racism ago by enough_of_the_racism +31 / -0


So while some of us expect actual actors are playing in this movie (Biden’s role for example), there are also legitimate folks acting a part as themselves too. As an example, I’ll take my Congressman Chip Roy. If you aren’t familiar, he is ultra conservative, not ever voting for the Biden agenda that I know of (except one exception to follow). But he is called a RINO and highly anti-Trump, supported DeSantis, blames Trump for problems, etc. and to me it was strange that someone that conservative wouldn’t see Trump’s value. But I think that part is an act, and here is why:

So he committed the ultimate RINO act when he voted to certify the 2020 election. I was instantly kissed at him. If Trump was going to be anti-Chip Roy, that should have been the start of it.

This past year, Trump asked someone to primary him, but after the filing deadline, so no one could actually do it. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/19/trump-chip-roy-texas-00132421 Trump is smart. If he wanted Roy out of there, he could have done that in time to make it happen.

In 2022, if he wanted Roy out of there he even had the chance. https://thetexan.news/elections/2022/chip-roy-s-potential-repeat-primary-opponent-has-asked-trump-for-his-endorsement/article_929cfc4b-02a5-5ed8-8f30-ba3a1b75adba.html Roy had already acted the RINO back then. If he wanted him removed, why didn’t he do it back then? Give that guy the endorsement and it would have been over for Roy.

I think Roy is acting in the show. I’m guessing he is on Team Trump, but Trump needed Biden to become the resident for normies to see the deep state horrors and become red pilled. To do that he needed some Republicans to vote for certification, despite the most obvious cheating in history. And that is the part Roy played.

Any other folks outside the usual crew that you think are just playing the part? I’m guessing there are a lot more than what we’ve noticed to date. And I’m guessing there is a lot more unity with a lot of these folks than what we see.