Our enemy knows no national boundries. They are embedded in nearly every country in the world through the International Bank of Settlements, the World Bank, its international monetary fund and and each nations National Bank. They control finance and through their compromised oligarchs, international commerce. They control governments through international aid packages, the UN and WHO. They bribe and blackmail without conscience. They kill indiscriminantly.
To point the finger at a any one country is a fool's errand. The death cult uses their assets in any country that they need, to complete the job. Italy, Germany, Australia, Serbia, Ukraine, China, Britain, Cyprus all have their fingerprints on these last 8 years. And Im sure there are assets in other countries I left out.
It’s more so a huge effort by multiple parties. As u/TrustTheTruth would say, you need to look towards Racine, Wisconsin as well. But the article is definitely good.
“ Rome, Italy” as one makes sense. The Jesuits’ backyard is definitely not going to be a place that many normies suspect.
I will also say, one of the big papal Italian bloodlines that allegedly is descended from the Ptolemaic dynasty are the Breakspeare family. And they’re allegedly in charge of the CCP’s banking system.
That is the truth. The people rigging our elections reside in Europe and are out greatest allies in the ME, and of the European countries involved are controlled by our greatest ally in the ME through bribery and blackmail of their leadership.
British Intelligence/MI-6 via all their commonwealth/5eye conduits targeting specific states; British have been rigging US elections in various ways since 1824.
MOSSAD/Nazis/Rothschilds/Bauers via Frankfurt, Germany (server), Ukraine, and Israel; likely targeting their North America HQ in Wisconsin as priority with other “swing states” secondarily; been interfering in US elections since financial backing of Dewey in 1948.
Vatican/Jesuits via Rome; likely have been interfering heavily since Treaty of Paris 1783.
CCP (previously controlled by MI-6 circa 2008); Appear to have split from MI-6 and did test run rigging in 2012 with focus on California. May have effectively annexed CA by 2020 via ownership of debt collateralized with CA land as directed by CCP assets Newsom and his Secretary of State.
CCP list of “bought Governors” and bribe $ leaked at end of 2020. California, Montana, Kentucky, and Georgia Governors ALL on the list.
Our enemy knows no national boundries. They are embedded in nearly every country in the world through the International Bank of Settlements, the World Bank, its international monetary fund and and each nations National Bank. They control finance and through their compromised oligarchs, international commerce. They control governments through international aid packages, the UN and WHO. They bribe and blackmail without conscience. They kill indiscriminantly.
To point the finger at a any one country is a fool's errand. The death cult uses their assets in any country that they need, to complete the job. Italy, Germany, Australia, Serbia, Ukraine, China, Britain, Cyprus all have their fingerprints on these last 8 years. And Im sure there are assets in other countries I left out.
Here is the foreign country to take a closer look at: "District of Columbia."
'The foreign entities most responsible for rigging & fixing US elections do not reside in Beijing.'
Good read.
It’s more so a huge effort by multiple parties. As u/TrustTheTruth would say, you need to look towards Racine, Wisconsin as well. But the article is definitely good.
“ Rome, Italy” as one makes sense. The Jesuits’ backyard is definitely not going to be a place that many normies suspect.
I will also say, one of the big papal Italian bloodlines that allegedly is descended from the Ptolemaic dynasty are the Breakspeare family. And they’re allegedly in charge of the CCP’s banking system.
That is the truth. The people rigging our elections reside in Europe and are out greatest allies in the ME, and of the European countries involved are controlled by our greatest ally in the ME through bribery and blackmail of their leadership.
Appears to be four groups:
British Intelligence/MI-6 via all their commonwealth/5eye conduits targeting specific states; British have been rigging US elections in various ways since 1824.
MOSSAD/Nazis/Rothschilds/Bauers via Frankfurt, Germany (server), Ukraine, and Israel; likely targeting their North America HQ in Wisconsin as priority with other “swing states” secondarily; been interfering in US elections since financial backing of Dewey in 1948.
Vatican/Jesuits via Rome; likely have been interfering heavily since Treaty of Paris 1783.
CCP (previously controlled by MI-6 circa 2008); Appear to have split from MI-6 and did test run rigging in 2012 with focus on California. May have effectively annexed CA by 2020 via ownership of debt collateralized with CA land as directed by CCP assets Newsom and his Secretary of State.
CCP list of “bought Governors” and bribe $ leaked at end of 2020. California, Montana, Kentucky, and Georgia Governors ALL on the list.