Can confirm. I started eating mostly red meat and salmon for a few months. My blood work was always pretty good but when I told my doc what my diet was and he saw my blood work, he def had an eyebrow raise moment. It's hilarious and sad at the same time that it's coming to the point where we are smarter than they are. I've come to learn that just because someone has letters behind their name, does NOT make them more intelligent. Even the new "doctors" running the men's clinics pushing testosterone. I've been in that realm for decades and I've forgotten more than those idiots will ever know. But that's another topic. YES to carnivore.
It also can mean more indoctrinated & very good at spitting back what they are told, which makes them useful slaves. Being able to think critically & seeing holes in their logic is more more "intelligent", imho
YES! YAY! I just started back up today. I know it is a life long thing, but it gets a little difficult when all I have around the house is the crap the Govt. is trying to feed us.
Can confirm. I started eating mostly red meat and salmon for a few months. My blood work was always pretty good but when I told my doc what my diet was and he saw my blood work, he def had an eyebrow raise moment. It's hilarious and sad at the same time that it's coming to the point where we are smarter than they are. I've come to learn that just because someone has letters behind their name, does NOT make them more intelligent. Even the new "doctors" running the men's clinics pushing testosterone. I've been in that realm for decades and I've forgotten more than those idiots will ever know. But that's another topic. YES to carnivore.
It also can mean more indoctrinated & very good at spitting back what they are told, which makes them useful slaves. Being able to think critically & seeing holes in their logic is more more "intelligent", imho
YES! YAY! I just started back up today. I know it is a life long thing, but it gets a little difficult when all I have around the house is the crap the Govt. is trying to feed us.