Quite likely - there is a plan to deport all the Palestinians so that Israel can be claimed for Zion. When better to do this but when USA is over-run by millions of people.
To answer the question on how the Iron Dome failed is:
Swarms of cheap drones that the super-duper expensive (PAtriOt) batteries emptied themselves out at. Once the batteries started shooting, they emitted radiation and lit up like Christmas trees to infra-red sensors that were prolly flying higher up. Now the Iranians know everything. Note also that there were no casualties. This is not due to the amazing Israeli defenses, but because there is a fine line in the game of escalation dominance, which the Iranians have learned to play through necessity, after many years of foreign infiltration, military aggression and posturing.
Yes! Thank you LBT! 🏆
Food for thought: Oct 7 was "open borders"
Quite likely - there is a plan to deport all the Palestinians so that Israel can be claimed for Zion. When better to do this but when USA is over-run by millions of people.
Yes, export the Palestinians to Amalek (the USA). That is what it seems they intend to do. And I expect our politicians will accept.
Importing the Intifada. What could go wrong.
they are the masters of false flags. People still can't openly question 9/11 25 years later
To answer the question on how the Iron Dome failed is:
Swarms of cheap drones that the super-duper expensive (PAtriOt) batteries emptied themselves out at. Once the batteries started shooting, they emitted radiation and lit up like Christmas trees to infra-red sensors that were prolly flying higher up. Now the Iranians know everything. Note also that there were no casualties. This is not due to the amazing Israeli defenses, but because there is a fine line in the game of escalation dominance, which the Iranians have learned to play through necessity, after many years of foreign infiltration, military aggression and posturing.