Report: RNC Chair Michael Whatley Backs Off Pledge to Spend ‘All Day Every Day’ Working to Elect Donald Trump to Instead Try to ...
The newly installed chairman of the Republican National Committee is already backing down from his pledge to spend “every day” of 2024 to elect presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump as president again.
I thought Laura Trump was RNC Chair. What's up?
She is Vice Chair.
Oh, crap!!!! When are we gonna get rid of all these RINOs within this party? This nonsense is getting very very old. Just be a darn Republican, and if you cannot even do that, then become a liberal. Grrrrrrrrrrrr....this gets my hackles up. But I know there is a plan in place to put thing right. I cannot wait to see how it unfolds and hopefully a lot of these RINOs will meet a fate that they cannot even envision. Traitors.