89 Strange lines in rain formations (media.greatawakening.win) posted 9 months ago by UpwardBound 9 months ago by UpwardBound +90 / -1 25 comments download share 25 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
There is a high-powered microwave NEXRAD station located in Burlington, VT -- right where this radar signature starts. The U.S. is peppered with these stations, and during storms, you can see them "firing" sometimes with these beams of energy, but usually they work together with "blobs" of energy. There are multiple videos available that demonstrate this. Here is one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTeJwcjimi8 You'll find more info here: https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/geoengineering-frequency-transmissions-and-weather-warfare/
I'll leave it to your imagination how microwave energy heats up metal particles...