Replace jew with person or people and most of those are laws already. The fact that they have to call racism antisemitism should make any free thinking person wonder. Should we come up with laws protecting Irish catholics with a special term for them too? I'm Irish, do I deserve duel citizenship to go back to Ireland? Do we deserve special lobbiests? Is the ADL gonna protect Irish catholics in America? If ivy league schools disproportionately favor those of Irish decent is that okay?
Show me who you can't criticize and I'll tell you who controls you.
Replace jew with person or people and most of those are laws already. The fact that they have to call racism antisemitism should make any free thinking person wonder. Should we come up with laws protecting Irish catholics with a special term for them too? I'm Irish, do I deserve duel citizenship to go back to Ireland? Do we deserve special lobbiests? Is the ADL gonna protect Irish catholics in America? If ivy league schools disproportionately favor those of Irish decent is that okay?
Show me who you can't criticize and I'll tell you who controls you.