A lot of Celebrity Endorsements or statements of support. Are usually precipitated by cash payments. Doubly so when it’s for unpopular people or things. Very rare to get an honest opinion out of Hollyweird
Hamils Career stalled out after Star Wars. No real major noteworthy films or shows in starring roles after 50 years in the Business. And given Disney murdered Star Wars. Cash probably isn’t coming in like it used to.
Dudes probably being paid for this.
A lot of Celebrity Endorsements or statements of support. Are usually precipitated by cash payments. Doubly so when it’s for unpopular people or things. Very rare to get an honest opinion out of Hollyweird
Hamils Career stalled out after Star Wars. No real major noteworthy films or shows in starring roles after 50 years in the Business. And given Disney murdered Star Wars. Cash probably isn’t coming in like it used to.