And they high tailed it out and left the US holding the bag! They started it by trying to colonize Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh was an ALLY of the US against Japan and he asked the US for help against the French to stop them from colonizing his country. Of course the US could not turn against DeGaulle since he was such a backstabber to the US after the war and yeah, the military arms complex NEEDED a war.
Looks like the French have a having of dragging America into forever wars. The French are still trying to colonize in 1960. How bold and brave of them.
France tried to regain its long time colony Indochina (Tonkin, Annam, Cochinchina, Laos and Cambodia) as did Britain and the Netherlands. The US voluntarily entered the war fearing the spread of communism.
At the push of the Military Arms Complex. The spread of communism is a cover. If the US had backed a free Vietnam under Ho, he would have never went to the communist for help.
And Ho Chi Minh was educated in the west and wanted to model their constitution on the US constitution, but the Deep State, China and Russia had other idea's.
De Gaulle was a backstabber to just about all countries he fought with, Churchill and Montgomery got very weary about his hauteur and the way he tried to block the war effort in favor on the French. Le Grand Charlie.
And they high tailed it out and left the US holding the bag! They started it by trying to colonize Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh was an ALLY of the US against Japan and he asked the US for help against the French to stop them from colonizing his country. Of course the US could not turn against DeGaulle since he was such a backstabber to the US after the war and yeah, the military arms complex NEEDED a war.
Looks like the French have a having of dragging America into forever wars. The French are still trying to colonize in 1960. How bold and brave of them.
France tried to regain its long time colony Indochina (Tonkin, Annam, Cochinchina, Laos and Cambodia) as did Britain and the Netherlands. The US voluntarily entered the war fearing the spread of communism.
At the push of the Military Arms Complex. The spread of communism is a cover. If the US had backed a free Vietnam under Ho, he would have never went to the communist for help.
And Ho Chi Minh was educated in the west and wanted to model their constitution on the US constitution, but the Deep State, China and Russia had other idea's.
The US forced Ho to seek help from communist Russia and China.
De Gaulle was a backstabber to just about all countries he fought with, Churchill and Montgomery got very weary about his hauteur and the way he tried to block the war effort in favor on the French. Le Grand Charlie.
Monte, De Gaulle and Patton had an ego problem but Patton had no problem leading from the front.
Neither did Montgomery, but as for De Gaulle?