IDK what to believe anymore. I was trying to research this and of course because the billion dollar rehab industry is against it, I'm sus - even though the arguments against are pretty logical.
Anyone have any experience with this personally or with a loved one?
My broad take on any substance abuse is the underlying reason. If it’s used to suppress anxiety or pain and those remain unaddressed then eventually you are still prone to “relapse”. Maybe less damaging to liver to take cannabis so “better” in one way but if the underlying psychic demons persist are you on cannabis for life?
Agreed. Find out the “why.”
Truly the only long term solution so for many it is a lifelong struggle. Maybe view cannabis as a tool better suited for some than alcohol but a tool not a cure.
I have to wonder if the lifelong struggle is because someone never got down to the “why” and fixed that. Or never turned to the Source of our healing and strength.
Dunno, just thinking out loud.
Sometimes a short term fix is needed to get on the road to the long term one though. At least his body can start recovering while sorting out the rest of the issues.
I think “root cause” does require deep digging and removing psychological defenses. I do think individualized therapy is what is needed. The rehab industrial complex is not set up that way so they continue to use their preferred non therapeutic but profitable for them practices It’s the same business model as big pharma…manage symptoms
Totally agree. But cannabis is not a substance abuse drug to me. It's a cure for many things. Unlike legal alcohol and cigarettes