IDK what to believe anymore. I was trying to research this and of course because the billion dollar rehab industry is against it, I'm sus - even though the arguments against are pretty logical.
Anyone have any experience with this personally or with a loved one?
You need to use a combo of things for weed to switch out booze. Key points from my experience.
You need intermittent fasting. 16 hours over night. This will help you feel what you are doing to your body with booze and later weed. Take a few weeks to go from 12 per day to 16.
Weed before booze. Weed will impact booze and make it work better. Use this to drink less.
Limit amount of drinking and days of drinking. Work down to 1 drink per day, maybe 2 Friday/Saturday.
Further work down until you only drink Friday/Saturday.
You need 1 day with no drinks. So you can fell what it is like to not be hung over.
Time limit both. 4:20 pm until 6 PM is plenty of weed and booze.
The day after drinking you will eat more and be hungrier in the morning. You are destroying your gut microbiome. Take kefir drink daily, plenty of water, and magnesium. Booze strips magnesium from your body.
You or the person that needs this. They need to buy into their reduction and recovery or it won't happen. You also have to be willing to set limits and mostly adhere to them. Look up deep research on mindfulness.
All it Took Was One Book for Nikki Glaser to Quit Drinking
Thank you for all this info. There's some inspiring comments under the youtube video clip. One mentions the Allen Carr book. Seems worth looking into.
You don't need intermittent fasting, any type of caloric restriction will induce the cellular autophagy effects and what not as the body is reacting to the reduced calories. IF is just an alternative to counting calories, there's nothing magical about it but as it's very trendy right now of course fitness "gurus" are pushing it.
Actually a downside of excessive fasting not discussed is that it raises your risk of gallstones as your bile is sitting there longer in your gall bladder congealing rather than getting flushed out a few times a day. The people doing 3+ day water fasts and bragging about it online like it's some sort of contest have been learning this the hard way.
The stuff about adding electrolytes like magnesium is all true. Magnesium is used in so many bodily processes and a lot of issues including low-testosterone are side-effects of magnesium deficiency as that mineral is consumed to create it.
First I posted that this was my experience. Fasting has given me satiation, IE eating less/felling full.
Note I did not recommend 3 day fasting.
Fasting will help you feel what is going on with caffeine, booze and weed. If you are looking to quit booze you need to FEEL better. Fasting will help that contrast, and will help heal a fatty liver.
Counting macros accomplishes the same thing without feeling like you're starving.
I don't feel like I am starving. Helps heal gut, helps repair fatty liver, gives a big boost of energy.