Consideration 1: The left loony tunes are really out to get Trump.
IF that was the case, how would you do it? Would you, DESPITE the rules of evidence handling, fuck it up this way?
Is it reasonable to suppose that there are several groups vying to be the low life hero to have taken Trump? Is their TDS this strong that they are incapable of looking at the bigger picture and work together?
Are we to suppose that we are seeing the merit-system in full display as the biggest idiots seems to have surfaced of late?
I think these are valid questions to ask. And it makes you, despite the schadenfreude and the cheers, wonder, doesn't it?
Are they really out for Trump? Yes, I would say so. But these moves are not the moves of the winning team.
Consideration 2: Allowed to fuck it up
In his interview with PBS, Steven Bannon said something that gave me a pause. He mentioned that, due to the happenings surrounding the 2008 bailout of a 1000 billion dollars, the QE, another 3.5 trillion, made clear that the elite had chosen for guided decline.
What is the value of taking out a side of the financial power structure? u/#q133
But could such a part of the power structure be of use? Why take it out? why not dislodge it from the structure and take it over? What good would that do?
Would it be possible to counter a guided decline? Would it be possible to initiate a guided decline of the DS?
How would such a guided decline look like? How do you control it? u/#q372
What is the mirror currency? What is whitemail? Plea deal?
What I find interesting about a plea deal is that the accused says he is guilty of a minor charge to save himself from a longer sentence.
What if you can protect someone else by taking the heat for treason? What if Jack whatever his name is Smith was recalled from a station where he got caught? What if this ploy we see unfolding, is only the dance the director wants them to dance?
I mean, think of it. Prosecutors fuck up from time to time. When is the last time you heard such?
Take this pattern, and overlay it with the Mike Johnson case and the money for Ukraine. Check the video of the presser at mar-a-lago. Do you see an ally or do you see a master & commander?
Look with these eyes at all the happenings. What do you see?
For who' s benefit? Is it really true that we humans are only susceptible to the call of reason we find the willpower to change at the edge of a steep and dark ravine, the precipice, because we then find out we are not lemmings but man?
Does this fuckup Jack Smith elicit a desire for change? Are you compelled to get the ass into gear? Or do these events, that kick up, destroy your resolve and logical thinking and instead compel you to show the elicited emotion?
Amen, this is helping the people connect the dots by showing them one step at a time. Once they catch on they will want the chnage and start listening again.
If you look at the chain of custody on the JFK assassination. You will find the glaring fraud before your eyes. The Oswald bullet examined by the FBI crime lab was examined a hour before it was ever taken into custody ? And it was missing the FBI FA intials ? You will always find the devil in the details. There are many more details similar to this.
Quite a turn of events is it not?
It compels me to consider a few things.
Consideration 1: The left loony tunes are really out to get Trump.
IF that was the case, how would you do it? Would you, DESPITE the rules of evidence handling, fuck it up this way?
Is it reasonable to suppose that there are several groups vying to be the low life hero to have taken Trump? Is their TDS this strong that they are incapable of looking at the bigger picture and work together?
Are we to suppose that we are seeing the merit-system in full display as the biggest idiots seems to have surfaced of late?
I think these are valid questions to ask. And it makes you, despite the schadenfreude and the cheers, wonder, doesn't it?
Are they really out for Trump? Yes, I would say so. But these moves are not the moves of the winning team.
Consideration 2: Allowed to fuck it up
In his interview with PBS, Steven Bannon said something that gave me a pause. He mentioned that, due to the happenings surrounding the 2008 bailout of a 1000 billion dollars, the QE, another 3.5 trillion, made clear that the elite had chosen for guided decline.
What is the value of taking out a side of the financial power structure?
But could such a part of the power structure be of use? Why take it out? why not dislodge it from the structure and take it over? What good would that do?
Would it be possible to counter a guided decline? Would it be possible to initiate a guided decline of the DS?
How would such a guided decline look like? How do you control it?
What is the currency of the DS?
What is the mirror currency? What is whitemail? Plea deal?
What I find interesting about a plea deal is that the accused says he is guilty of a minor charge to save himself from a longer sentence.
What if you can protect someone else by taking the heat for treason? What if Jack whatever his name is Smith was recalled from a station where he got caught? What if this ploy we see unfolding, is only the dance the director wants them to dance?
I mean, think of it. Prosecutors fuck up from time to time. When is the last time you heard such?
Take this pattern, and overlay it with the Mike Johnson case and the money for Ukraine. Check the video of the presser at mar-a-lago. Do you see an ally or do you see a master & commander?
Look with these eyes at all the happenings. What do you see?
For who' s benefit? Is it really true that we humans are only susceptible to the call of reason we find the willpower to change at the edge of a steep and dark ravine, the precipice, because we then find out we are not lemmings but man?
Does this fuckup Jack Smith elicit a desire for change? Are you compelled to get the ass into gear? Or do these events, that kick up, destroy your resolve and logical thinking and instead compel you to show the elicited emotion?
maybe white hats flipped their prosecutor and told him to do some stupid
I'd be kekking for days thinking of how the minions must be scratching their heads, frustrated and yelling at their coffee 😂
Amen, this is helping the people connect the dots by showing them one step at a time. Once they catch on they will want the chnage and start listening again.
If you look at the chain of custody on the JFK assassination. You will find the glaring fraud before your eyes. The Oswald bullet examined by the FBI crime lab was examined a hour before it was ever taken into custody ? And it was missing the FBI FA intials ? You will always find the devil in the details. There are many more details similar to this.
Thank you for sharing this.
Love the “The Great Awakening” screenshot/meme! That really sums it up for me! 💯❤️🎯🔥