The global elites have already told us that their vaccines will be used to decrease the population. Now we have proof after COVID that they meant it.
🚔 Crime & Medical Tyrants 💸
Why can’t we put them in jail for this?
They can’t be arrested and jailed/tried/conviction because we have been shown the entire justice system is corrupt, from the bottom up to the top levels, including some in the SC. They have been compromised through sex, insider trading, etc. and are blackmailed by the Deep State. The VIA, DOJ, FBI and other little known agency officials and workers are corrupt and blackmailed to do the bidding of those at the top who are psychopaths. One only has to look at Bill Gates ( rocking back and forth in a video taken in his early years), his father was a comrade of Margaret Sanger in Planned Parenthood. Gates was either psychologically or sexually abused as a child (my guess). His father and Sanger believed in depopulation via abortion, especially of the black race, hence the support for PP. Gates carries on his father ‘s works via pushing vaccines, especially in 3rd world countries, while he himself supposedly fathered 3 children, none of whom are vaccinated. George Soros, a Jew, stole from the Jews in WW. II. He openly says he has no guilt about it. That is how he started his wealth, and our taxpayer dollars get funneled to his Open Society and he uses the money to finance groups contrary to taxpayer desires and wishes. (You don’t think he would spend his own money do you?). His son, Alex, is carrying on his evil, attaching himself to evil Huma Abedin, whose ex-husband is a pedophile, and her alliance with Hilary Clinton included torture of children. Huma’s mother is high in the Muslim Brotherhood, and her brother is also involved. George’s son is friendly with gay pedophiles, HRC, Oprah and Ellen. Klaus Schwab, openly walks down the beach is a veil and nothing else. Tell me that isn’t deviant behavior if you look at the pic. All of these people pass on their evil and deviant behavior to their children. Do you ever notice how the children/grandchildren just seems to disappear from the news? When have you heard or seen Huma’s or Weiner’s son; Chelsea Clinton’s 3 children; Bill Gate’s three children or his ex-wife. I guess MSM has no interest in any of them? Why does everyone act like Bill Gates is a doctor or scientist to be listened to. The people at the top or near the top use their wealth for all the toys which increase the carbon footprint: Zuckerberg-$300 million dollar yacht, several homes (including one with high walls in Hawaii, private jet; Bill Gates-private plane, huge mansion on acreage by the water; John Kerry (wife is heiress to the Heinz fortune)-private jets all over the place, etc. They all talk “climate change” while having private jets, yachts, numerous large homes (often on the water). Many of the wealthy are or were in government, went in poor and came out rich. I think that tells you everything you need to know. Their children are all corrupted by their parents emotionally and perhaps physically. The magnitude of the deviance, sexual abuse and murder, I believe, will be difficult to fathom. Why do you think Epstein’s black of clients and his videos have not been released? Those in the government and business are definitely clients.