In recent years, H5N1 has spread widely among wild birds, poultry, land and marine mammals, and now among dairy cattle. Since 2021, there have been 28 reported cases in humans, although no human-to-human transmission has been documented.
And Gain of Function is currently being funded for H5N1.
Fearing weaponized H5N1, U.S. security officials move to censor research. A panel of U.S. biosecurity officials is asking investigators to keep some of their new research on bird flu under wraps, fearing that terrorists could use the information on the infectious disease to develop a devastating new weapon.
I've been telling everyone about this at work. Reminding them that the election is coming up and they will do it again. Everyone says they will not comply.
We need to get ahead of this,like we did with the monkey pox, mock the shit out of it.
Bird flu is not transmisible to humans...
I don’t trust that science. I only trust the science that the people on TV tell me to trust. /s
Kekekekek... 🤣🤣🤣 Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
And Gain of Function is currently being funded for H5N1.
And it's being censored/kept secret.
Interdasting... Thank you for the info... Cheers fren... ☕☕☕
I've been telling everyone about this at work. Reminding them that the election is coming up and they will do it again. Everyone says they will not comply.
We need to get ahead of this,like we did with the monkey pox, mock the shit out of it.
I’m ready to receive the 17 mail in ballots I never requested.
They want to kill dinner
I don't believe anything that comes from the CDC!