Covid was fake but the Covid research was very real. They spend decades trying to create a lethal infectious toxin and failed, so they resorted to a psyop.
We have to hold the people behind this psyop accountable and the only way to do it is to first hold them accountable for their "virus fain of function research" instead of focusing on "viruses do not exist"
She makes a lot of sense to me as well. Especially if viruses don't exist other than as a pretext for selling a vaccine that just happens to have side effects of numerous chronic ailments that will increase demand for appointments and snake oil sales down the road.
I'm reasonably sure bird flu exists but the bird flu "pandemics" sure seem like a fraud based on three lies:
That bird flu will spread like wildfire throughout wild and captive bird populations and most catch it and die. (Films and TV really help to sell this idea.) Unless they're claiming there's a new genetically engineered version (they're not), this isn't how viruses spread in the real world. Bird flu is nothing new.
That there is a bird flu "pandemic threat". Look at the "case" numbers. Very low. The only actual threat is government overreach: ordering people to kill their birds.
That the best way to save birds from bird flu is by killing them. Millions of them. I don't know if they even bothered to try to make that one make sense.
Just as the world is waking up to the gain of function and wanting to hold these monsters accountable, suddenly all these "viruses dont exist" folks are making a huge noise. This is not a coincidence. They have all the hallmarks of controlled opposition.
The only fact is that no one has been able to isolate a pure virus that can be proven to be infectious.
It does not mean all of the research into making "viruses more lethal" is fake because these people are clearly creating some kind of toxin whether you want to call it a "virus" or not.
This is just a braindead scheme to let these monsters go scot free by screaming "viruses dont exist"
Not about letting them go scot-free. It's about delving into how far back the Rockefeller brainwashing goes, discarding the lies, and rebooting medicine with truth. Yes, there will be disinformation along the way, but it's part of the process of uncovering truth.
Before we can expose the 100 years of western medicine fraud we first have to expose the 30 years of very real research to create very deadly viruses. It doesnt help if people pipe in on the just waking up folks "Viruses dont exist!".
I started out dismissive of the terrain theory folks. But I'm convinced they are right, even if half of them (seemingly the ones with louder voices--- coincidence, right?) are playing the role to make it look crazy.
Also, the awakening doesn't happen in the same order for everyone.
This is another issue I have with the "no viruses" folks. They spend all the time attacking people like McCullough etc, and explaining how no one has isolated a virus (which is a fair point) and equating it to "viruses dont exist" (which is a logical fallacy), BUT
They dont spend any time rigorously explaining and defending terrain theory.
If Terrain theory is true and diseases are just body's response to "toxins" then the question comes - has anyone isolated these toxins ? And proven that infecting healthy individuals with these toxins elicit the same symptoms as a disease?
So far none of these pundits on Twitter even bother to respond to me when I ask this. So how are they any better than "Viruses havent been isolated" ?
How does Terrain theory explain actual observation that myself and many folks around me have noticed, namely:
When my son catches the "flu" over the next 2 days both of us catch it too.
Whenever we are around vaccinated folks in a gathering (usually school events), we always come down with severe flu symptoms.
The flu we have caught a couple times last 3 years (after folks started getting vaccinated) is far more potent than anything we have seen in our entire lives, except when my wife caught the exact same flu in late 2019 after we came back from a trip to Japan.
So these fall under the categories - infection is very much observed, but is not explained by terrain theory. Both with normal flu and with vaccine shedding. Also the potency of flu has become extreme lately which is also not explained especially since we have started eating healthy, no processed food, very little sugars, low cargs, IF etc for the last 2 eyars.
Unless Terrain theory satisfactorily explains all of our observations better than virus theory, it has very little use in reality.
Good points, ones that I've thought over as well. The conclusions I've come to regarding those 3 points:
A person eliminating toxins will pass them to others, who similarly reject them. For example if your son comes home sneezing because he walked through a storm of pollen, you might inhale that pollen and begin to sneeze as well, and the whole family might take some time to work the pollen out of everyone's clothes.
Same analogy as #1.
If these toxins accumulate, unless you clean them out 100% each time, it stands to reason that each time you become burdened with them, your body is dealing with a greater absolute burden each successive exposure/infection. Kind of like accumulated clutter in the garage, if your spring cleaning is partial every year, eventually your garage will be swamped and even one extra bag of bric-a-brac is too much. This is why the flu kills older people because of the long-accumulated toxin "clutter."
(There's also the counter that once you've become healthy, you're more sensitive to unhealthy stuff. That's like noticing dirt on a clean well-maintained floor instead of an extra spill in a barroom.)
As far as the definition of "toxins," they could be anything. Think of it like a city with a tailor, metalshop, carpenter, and a variety of other businesses: each business will have its own waste which may or may not be harmful by itself; but if the overall city trash pickup is behind schedule, any material built up in excess in one zone gets ugly fast. In the same way, every person uses their body differently, and so the buildup of waste and tolerance of unwelcome ingredients becomes different for each person based on their different lifestyles, which also helps explain why some diseases run in families. And then there are actual poisons too.
I don't really want to convince you about it, just explain that there are reasonable answers to those questions. For me it clicked after reading and listening to a lot of videos and blog posts by a guy named Darko Velcek at But it took me a while to digest it myself. I'm not well-versed enough to be its best advocate, but I'm pretty much on board with all his medical explanations (he gets into esoteric psychic phenomena and other fields which I'm less gung-ho about, but anyway...), which he doesn't call terrain theory but which lines up with everything that term describes. He also encourages others to learn from observation to prove him right or wrong.
I think a lot of the alternative medicine and wholistic medicine is polluted by misinformation in the same way, and with the same techniques, that clowns use to infiltrate and retake control of media narratives, which discredit anyone who attempts to leave the "Rockefeller pharm," especially if they are helping others. They already have counter-narratives set up to trap people and otherwise discredit them and steer people away. That's a long way to say that I agree that most of the debate is unproductive name-calling.
But eventually I got past it. I've been in the weeds of medical disinfo for years the same way that some anons get OCD about crisis actors or dig deep into other misinfo traps. Cheers.
So the answers to 1 & 2 tells me that Terrain theory also believes in "infections" similar to Virus theory. Agree?
The differences being a virus can supposedly multiply in the body vs a toxin is just inert substance, and virus attacking body vs body simply reacting as it detoxes. Agree?
For example if your son comes home sneezing because he walked through a storm of pollen, you might inhale that pollen and begin to sneeze as well,
This doesn't exactly hold up since the amount of pollens he was exposed to in a storm of pollen will be orders of magnitude less than the amount of pollens he would be shedding on us. To me, a germ growth in the body better explains why the infection might be able to pass from person to person without the quantity being transmitted getting reduced drastically.
As far as the definition of "toxins," they could be anything. ...
This is my biggest issue. Your great opposition to viral theory is the fact that viruses have never been isolated. So, in a new theory that supposedly remedies this short coming, isolating, quantifying and cataloging the toxins should be the very first task before it can be publicised as an alternate theory.
I don't really want to convince you about it
Fair enough, all I want is someone who believes in terrain theory who is willing to answer questions because what I have seen - most people are super excited about terrain theory, but very reluctant to actually engage in answering anything beyond "no one has isolated a virus" - and this doesnt sit well to my scientific mind.
I really appreciate you taking the time to answer.
He also encourages others to learn from observation to prove him right or wrong.
This is exactly what I try to do (and am trying to do right now as well)
I think a lot of the alternative medicine and wholistic medicine is polluted by misinformation in the same way
I am not sure about this. I have seen drastic benefits from both homeopathy and accupuncture - just to give two examples. Perhaps you are referring to "new age" wholistic medicine - then I fully agree, the new age movement itself is a controlled operation.
(he gets into esoteric psychic phenomena and other fields which I'm less gung-ho about, but anyway...)
This piques my interest, I will give it a try, thanks.
Fwiw, acupuncture, chiropractic and homeopathy have always been targeted and ridiculed by the AMA. As well as ayurvedic and shamanic healing. For the most part I would call those uncontrolled opposition, and generally forces for good.
Controlled opposition include folks like Dr. Oz and Dr. Andrew Weill, who reel people in with a few truths but leave them in the allopathic system. The Rockefeller system goal is to capture them entirely as much as possible, like osteopathy, which was a different healing philosophy that has now been fully coopted. In addition to external coercion of those schools of thought (i.e., participating in insurance reimbursement), I believe there are covert infiltrators who intentionally misrepresent those schools of thought.
Infection can also include bacteria and parasites, living creatures that multiply. Terrain theory is not inherently incompatible with viruses, if they existed, but for the most part those that espouse terrain theory have different explanations for the material that allopathic medicine calls a virus. I now believe virology is a fake science, but I also think it's largely a side debate to distract from the fact that real cures exist outside of prescription drugs and symptom treatment.
I don't especially like the term terrain theory, simply because most proponents of the term sound wacko, despite the literal meaning being straightforward. But many other schools of thought relating to healing arts, including homeopathy, are based on concepts that are in line with terrain theory generally, and most of them existed as schools of thought long before the concept of viruses. So the existence or nonexistence of viruses is almost academic, except that allopathic medicine requires viruses to be real for much (though not all) of its treatments.
We already know that Covid was fake. I’m impressed by the number of people here who knew it was a psyop at the very beginning.
Covid was fake but the Covid research was very real. They spend decades trying to create a lethal infectious toxin and failed, so they resorted to a psyop.
We have to hold the people behind this psyop accountable and the only way to do it is to first hold them accountable for their "virus fain of function research" instead of focusing on "viruses do not exist"
But birds are real. 😎
Yes, and we love boids.
Dr. Lee Vliet says so too and more importantly doxycycline is all you need to treat it.
I heard that. Yes you can treat the animals instead of killing them.
She makes a lot of sense to me as well. Especially if viruses don't exist other than as a pretext for selling a vaccine that just happens to have side effects of numerous chronic ailments that will increase demand for appointments and snake oil sales down the road.
I'm reasonably sure bird flu exists but the bird flu "pandemics" sure seem like a fraud based on three lies:
Hehe whoops, haven't done this much.
Just as the world is waking up to the gain of function and wanting to hold these monsters accountable, suddenly all these "viruses dont exist" folks are making a huge noise. This is not a coincidence. They have all the hallmarks of controlled opposition.
The only fact is that no one has been able to isolate a pure virus that can be proven to be infectious.
It does not mean all of the research into making "viruses more lethal" is fake because these people are clearly creating some kind of toxin whether you want to call it a "virus" or not.
This is just a braindead scheme to let these monsters go scot free by screaming "viruses dont exist"
Not about letting them go scot-free. It's about delving into how far back the Rockefeller brainwashing goes, discarding the lies, and rebooting medicine with truth. Yes, there will be disinformation along the way, but it's part of the process of uncovering truth.
Before we can expose the 100 years of western medicine fraud we first have to expose the 30 years of very real research to create very deadly viruses. It doesnt help if people pipe in on the just waking up folks "Viruses dont exist!".
I started out dismissive of the terrain theory folks. But I'm convinced they are right, even if half of them (seemingly the ones with louder voices--- coincidence, right?) are playing the role to make it look crazy.
Also, the awakening doesn't happen in the same order for everyone.
This is another issue I have with the "no viruses" folks. They spend all the time attacking people like McCullough etc, and explaining how no one has isolated a virus (which is a fair point) and equating it to "viruses dont exist" (which is a logical fallacy), BUT
They dont spend any time rigorously explaining and defending terrain theory.
If Terrain theory is true and diseases are just body's response to "toxins" then the question comes - has anyone isolated these toxins ? And proven that infecting healthy individuals with these toxins elicit the same symptoms as a disease?
So far none of these pundits on Twitter even bother to respond to me when I ask this. So how are they any better than "Viruses havent been isolated" ?
How does Terrain theory explain actual observation that myself and many folks around me have noticed, namely:
When my son catches the "flu" over the next 2 days both of us catch it too.
Whenever we are around vaccinated folks in a gathering (usually school events), we always come down with severe flu symptoms.
The flu we have caught a couple times last 3 years (after folks started getting vaccinated) is far more potent than anything we have seen in our entire lives, except when my wife caught the exact same flu in late 2019 after we came back from a trip to Japan.
So these fall under the categories - infection is very much observed, but is not explained by terrain theory. Both with normal flu and with vaccine shedding. Also the potency of flu has become extreme lately which is also not explained especially since we have started eating healthy, no processed food, very little sugars, low cargs, IF etc for the last 2 eyars.
Unless Terrain theory satisfactorily explains all of our observations better than virus theory, it has very little use in reality.
Good points, ones that I've thought over as well. The conclusions I've come to regarding those 3 points:
(There's also the counter that once you've become healthy, you're more sensitive to unhealthy stuff. That's like noticing dirt on a clean well-maintained floor instead of an extra spill in a barroom.)
As far as the definition of "toxins," they could be anything. Think of it like a city with a tailor, metalshop, carpenter, and a variety of other businesses: each business will have its own waste which may or may not be harmful by itself; but if the overall city trash pickup is behind schedule, any material built up in excess in one zone gets ugly fast. In the same way, every person uses their body differently, and so the buildup of waste and tolerance of unwelcome ingredients becomes different for each person based on their different lifestyles, which also helps explain why some diseases run in families. And then there are actual poisons too.
I don't really want to convince you about it, just explain that there are reasonable answers to those questions. For me it clicked after reading and listening to a lot of videos and blog posts by a guy named Darko Velcek at But it took me a while to digest it myself. I'm not well-versed enough to be its best advocate, but I'm pretty much on board with all his medical explanations (he gets into esoteric psychic phenomena and other fields which I'm less gung-ho about, but anyway...), which he doesn't call terrain theory but which lines up with everything that term describes. He also encourages others to learn from observation to prove him right or wrong.
I think a lot of the alternative medicine and wholistic medicine is polluted by misinformation in the same way, and with the same techniques, that clowns use to infiltrate and retake control of media narratives, which discredit anyone who attempts to leave the "Rockefeller pharm," especially if they are helping others. They already have counter-narratives set up to trap people and otherwise discredit them and steer people away. That's a long way to say that I agree that most of the debate is unproductive name-calling.
But eventually I got past it. I've been in the weeds of medical disinfo for years the same way that some anons get OCD about crisis actors or dig deep into other misinfo traps. Cheers.
So the answers to 1 & 2 tells me that Terrain theory also believes in "infections" similar to Virus theory. Agree?
The differences being a virus can supposedly multiply in the body vs a toxin is just inert substance, and virus attacking body vs body simply reacting as it detoxes. Agree?
This doesn't exactly hold up since the amount of pollens he was exposed to in a storm of pollen will be orders of magnitude less than the amount of pollens he would be shedding on us. To me, a germ growth in the body better explains why the infection might be able to pass from person to person without the quantity being transmitted getting reduced drastically.
This is my biggest issue. Your great opposition to viral theory is the fact that viruses have never been isolated. So, in a new theory that supposedly remedies this short coming, isolating, quantifying and cataloging the toxins should be the very first task before it can be publicised as an alternate theory.
Fair enough, all I want is someone who believes in terrain theory who is willing to answer questions because what I have seen - most people are super excited about terrain theory, but very reluctant to actually engage in answering anything beyond "no one has isolated a virus" - and this doesnt sit well to my scientific mind.
I really appreciate you taking the time to answer.
This is exactly what I try to do (and am trying to do right now as well)
I am not sure about this. I have seen drastic benefits from both homeopathy and accupuncture - just to give two examples. Perhaps you are referring to "new age" wholistic medicine - then I fully agree, the new age movement itself is a controlled operation.
This piques my interest, I will give it a try, thanks.
Fwiw, acupuncture, chiropractic and homeopathy have always been targeted and ridiculed by the AMA. As well as ayurvedic and shamanic healing. For the most part I would call those uncontrolled opposition, and generally forces for good.
Controlled opposition include folks like Dr. Oz and Dr. Andrew Weill, who reel people in with a few truths but leave them in the allopathic system. The Rockefeller system goal is to capture them entirely as much as possible, like osteopathy, which was a different healing philosophy that has now been fully coopted. In addition to external coercion of those schools of thought (i.e., participating in insurance reimbursement), I believe there are covert infiltrators who intentionally misrepresent those schools of thought.
Infection can also include bacteria and parasites, living creatures that multiply. Terrain theory is not inherently incompatible with viruses, if they existed, but for the most part those that espouse terrain theory have different explanations for the material that allopathic medicine calls a virus. I now believe virology is a fake science, but I also think it's largely a side debate to distract from the fact that real cures exist outside of prescription drugs and symptom treatment.
I don't especially like the term terrain theory, simply because most proponents of the term sound wacko, despite the literal meaning being straightforward. But many other schools of thought relating to healing arts, including homeopathy, are based on concepts that are in line with terrain theory generally, and most of them existed as schools of thought long before the concept of viruses. So the existence or nonexistence of viruses is almost academic, except that allopathic medicine requires viruses to be real for much (though not all) of its treatments.
I'm still learning, too.