I think this is click-bait. They already did this for the 2020 census. Trump tried to fight it and was overruled by the courts.
Also Miller makes it sound like they are adding new seats and/or electors. NO. There are 538 electors - should be 535 but DC was given 3. There are 100 Senators and 435 Representatives (535).
That number is not changing. That is also why the number of electors required to win the Presidency is 270 instead of 269 (which would result in a tie).
Do you guys not remember that after the 2020 census, California lost a seat and Texas gained a seat? That was because CA lost population and TX gained. It will be the same for the illegals. It is all a numbers game. That's why illegals are being moved around to places like New York, Illinois, and of course California. They are losing population and the left can't let them lose electors.
Trump will try again to get CONgress to add back the citizenship question by law. It used to be there and the left got it removed for 2020. Go figure.
I'm not sure what Stephen Miller is trying to do, but what he is saying is not true. If you add a seat/elector to one state you have to subtract one from another. It is all based on population and not "areas with the most illegals". It could end up that way, but it depends on whether the illegals even answer the census. A lot of them are paranoid about responding to govt crap (huh, me too).
BTW - I'm not fan of wikipedia but they do have a good page explaining the numbers and why electors for each state can change but the overall number (538) can not.
I think this is click-bait. They already did this for the 2020 census. Trump tried to fight it and was overruled by the courts.
Also Miller makes it sound like they are adding new seats and/or electors. NO. There are 538 electors - should be 535 but DC was given 3. There are 100 Senators and 435 Representatives (535). That number is not changing. That is also why the number of electors required to win the Presidency is 270 instead of 269 (which would result in a tie).
Do you guys not remember that after the 2020 census, California lost a seat and Texas gained a seat? That was because CA lost population and TX gained. It will be the same for the illegals. It is all a numbers game. That's why illegals are being moved around to places like New York, Illinois, and of course California. They are losing population and the left can't let them lose electors.
Trump will try again to get CONgress to add back the citizenship question by law. It used to be there and the left got it removed for 2020. Go figure.
I'm not sure what Stephen Miller is trying to do, but what he is saying is not true. If you add a seat/elector to one state you have to subtract one from another. It is all based on population and not "areas with the most illegals". It could end up that way, but it depends on whether the illegals even answer the census. A lot of them are paranoid about responding to govt crap (huh, me too).
BTW - I'm not fan of wikipedia but they do have a good page explaining the numbers and why electors for each state can change but the overall number (538) can not.