I just noticed that when Flynn says something things happen. His actual words are of course decoys to throw the swamp off as the white hats make their actions. In the case of todays (& I believe the next few weeks of ) market move(s), Now, remember that Q says we have the gold. This means White hats can move the markets when they need to & will, at the right time. Not for any monetary gain but to win this war. If short sellers (& their brokers) go belly up they will take a lot of the swamps gunpowder with them. It's getting to be that time to knock out the enemy's artillery..
A few years back Trump points to Flynn saying it won't be long now, then Flynn tags Musk, Carlson & others in a tweet & not long after that the twitter files begin. Yesterday Flynn tweets this: https://greatawakening.win/p/17t1k9hHJV/general-flynn-breaks-down-what-h/ It seems to be a black pill but what I see is that:
A) by tweeting this:
- WHO declaration of a health emergency (EOM May).
he spoils the black hat's plan of a new pandemic in a few weeks. Sure they can still try but if they do, they give validity to one of the last people they want to give validity to: General Flynn.
B) in the guise of seeming defenseless, I believe he, at the same time, gave the signal to start the MOASS. A few weeks ago Nunes rallied the swamp to do the right thing about naked shorts. They, of course, laughed in his face but the thing is. That's how white hats operate. First give the enemy the chance to right their wrongs. If they don't, then proceed to use their own wrongs against them. In this case, it is the naked shorts. If they would have done the right thing it would have hurt them but not as badly as it will now. I am guessing that there will not only be hedge funds but also brokerage houses going out. It could even break the whole financial system.
I think this is the time, six months minus a day or 2 before the election & a couple of weeks before the black hats were planning their newest pandemic op. After all that waiting, I do think now is the time. This is the way I see it, at least. Let's see how the next few days & weeks go....
That speculation just began after the Pulte event, on Tuesday.
IDK the recent Pulte event, (I know they bought BBBY a few months back but idk what happened last Tues) Nevertheless, that speculations does seem reasonable since DJT is slowly going up (as opposed to GME's rapid increase) Yes, they could have made a deal which will save Griffin's rapid demise but it'll still cost him & DJT will maybe go up slowly?? We will see over the coming weeks & months. I do think it is the white hat's style to give people fair warning if they stand in the way of the inevitable. (As opposed to just blowing them away as the black hats do) So yes, some white hat might have explained to Griffin the plans & showed him how it can be done in which Griffin would have realized he would best negotiate, awfully quick.
I am expecting a $DJT surge very soon, you know another 20 or 30 point jump or so, regardless. If it does just that & slowly keeps climbing a little past 100 or 200 or so I would say then, yes they made a deal. If it shoots up past 1000 in no time I would the say they didn't. Knowing Donald Trump, I would bet that $DJT's stock will go above any previous price (Because he would not want to cause a loss of anyone who had faith enough in him to buy) That I think is his bottom line. Fast or slow will tell us if Griffin made a deal or not.