Realize, manufactures make "Dollar General sized" products just for them. Sizes and quantities you won't find anywhere else. Then they charge let's say $3.50 for a product that looks like the quantity is more than you get in a supermarket but in reality they're giving you much smaller product just more of it to make you think you're getting a great deal! Like I can get 8 candy bars in this pack for $3.50 and in the store for 6 it's $4.25. Well, those bars are 1/2 oz less than regular stores, and you're actually paying MORE than you would in a supermarket! Don't ever give them your money.
The bigger thing that popped up to me is how they’re basically the Walmartazon of the country - driving out the potential for organic store development to even happen by getting there first in a market-saturating 2 week span.
I’d also noticed that they’re every few miles in some places. Good dot connection by that lady.
M O N O P O L Y!
Here’s another funny one - a lot of old town squares in smaller towns have similar layouts and buildings. Was there a point where some organization went around and exploitatively contracted with larger families in rural areas to build these town squares at an industrial capacity? How did so many of them end up looking so similar and with such similar layouts?
Did those towns end up going into unpayable debts by doing this? Did they overdevelop? Was that what drove them to the blight they have today? Were their markets poached by cabal activities elsewhere?
On most food related items true...and I thought that was obvious to everyone. But I was stunned to discover that they sell Libby manufactured glassware, pint glasses, margarita glasses and tumblers for $1.25 a fraction of the cost of what you would pay from a place like Amazon.
They also give Walmart a run for their money on Red Bull. They keep their price point on the same level, always. I got a better deal at the gas stations before I gave it up.
Realize, manufactures make "Dollar General sized" products just for them. Sizes and quantities you won't find anywhere else. Then they charge let's say $3.50 for a product that looks like the quantity is more than you get in a supermarket but in reality they're giving you much smaller product just more of it to make you think you're getting a great deal! Like I can get 8 candy bars in this pack for $3.50 and in the store for 6 it's $4.25. Well, those bars are 1/2 oz less than regular stores, and you're actually paying MORE than you would in a supermarket! Don't ever give them your money.
The bigger thing that popped up to me is how they’re basically the Walmartazon of the country - driving out the potential for organic store development to even happen by getting there first in a market-saturating 2 week span.
I’d also noticed that they’re every few miles in some places. Good dot connection by that lady.
M O N O P O L Y!
Here’s another funny one - a lot of old town squares in smaller towns have similar layouts and buildings. Was there a point where some organization went around and exploitatively contracted with larger families in rural areas to build these town squares at an industrial capacity? How did so many of them end up looking so similar and with such similar layouts?
Did those towns end up going into unpayable debts by doing this? Did they overdevelop? Was that what drove them to the blight they have today? Were their markets poached by cabal activities elsewhere?
On most food related items true...and I thought that was obvious to everyone. But I was stunned to discover that they sell Libby manufactured glassware, pint glasses, margarita glasses and tumblers for $1.25 a fraction of the cost of what you would pay from a place like Amazon.
They must buy glassware at ridiculous wholesale quantity that they can sell them that low.
They also give Walmart a run for their money on Red Bull. They keep their price point on the same level, always. I got a better deal at the gas stations before I gave it up.
Got you. I understand.