We are looking forward to celebrating with our graduates at this week’s Graduate and Undergraduate commencement ceremonies. These events mark a significant milestone for our graduates and their families and are planned to ensure each graduate has the opportunity to cross the stage and be individually recognized.
The University will not tolerate any disruptions to these important ceremonies. Disturbances of any kind will result in immediate removal from the facility for anyone involved, including graduates and guests.
Signs, flags, backpacks, noisemakers, balloons and selfie sticks will not be permitted inside the venues.
I understand that this is a challenging and emotional time for many due to events around the world, but commencement is neither the time nor the place for the kind of disruptive behavior we have seen at other universities.
The Class of 2024 has persisted through COVID and other challenges to make it to this moment when they can step into the spotlight and be acknowledged for their accomplishments. I won't allow anyone to take that away from them and their families.
All of the universities without backbone, who cancelled graduation must be sued for 4 year tuition reimbursement. The hard work, sacrifices, and accomplishments of these students and parents was negated by a few: incompetent university/college administrators, outside people and a few students. It is totally unfair to negate these students and for that reason the universities/colleges that did so, must be sued. It appears the only thing that brings the colleges to heal is money. So I think asking to be compensated for damages is realistic. Not only did all students suffer, but also the reputation of the school from which they matriculated, therefore unfairly branding the students reputation forever.
I agree. This NJ college is an urban university with an African American President who is really good. He will not put up with it. There have been no protests there. Meanwhile Rutgers - the largest state University in NJ has had protests and the school is giving in to the students.
Excellent point! Damages. The value of their diploma and their opportunities have been diminished. They did not get what they paid for.
Exactly right. Many of these students did not have a graduation ceremony from high school due to the Covid farce and remote learning, and now the same thing is happening with their college graduation. I hope that parents and their students ban together and sue for failure of the universities failing to protect them and also failing to give them the college experience they expected. The time has come that instead of wasting time with study halls in high school, that period is filled with every day real life experiences: how to fix plumbing, how to replace a toilet, painting skills, cooking skills, lawn care, how to balance a checkbook, 101 of saving and investing, what happens when you are in credit card debt, etc. Stop paying exorbitant college tuition and learn a skill and how to start and finance your own business.
What about all the "universities" who held racially segregated graduations & other events?
Isn’t amazing that blacks strived so hard for equality, but now they want separation: black dorms, black safe spaces, black lawyers association, etc. Can you imagine if we pushed for all white dorms, only white graduation, made Harvard, Rutgers, Emory, Yale all white colleges. I blame the Presidents of these universities for pandering to the demands. Put out a handbook: “We are.a diverse and equal university. We stand united as one, just like our country. We respect each other’s freedom of speech. If you can not follow these principles, you do not belong here. Any bullying, racist or threatening behavior, intolerance of races, genders and opinions will not be tolerated. Neither will violence or destruction of property on or off campus. Any of these behaviors will result in immediate expulsion and forfeiture of tuition. We will also pursue prosecution for any of the above offenses.
Do blacks REALLY want that, or have they been convinced by (((white leftists))) that is what they want?
It really is sad....and truly, as with feminism, the core of the issue is revenge. The minutae like segregated dorms, "equal pay", all that fabricated bs is just a distraction. At its core, it's really about punishing, getting back / even and getting revenge on evil whitey.
The fact that there isn't a single college executive alive who would say something like what you said, is 100% proof that universities have been 100% coopted by the left & turned into literal gulags.
I think they have been made to think they want that. That whites are evil, they are superior. That they should view whites as oppressors, so by segregating they are turning their backs now on whites and threatening them if they invade their safe spaces.