I have seen several posts recently regarding the things, topics, etc., and I would really like to hear your insights about how they fit together, and if they do.
My understanding thus far is that the Cabal is the umbrella label, and it begin with the Khazarian Jews, and over time morphed into the Jesuits who established the Illuminati movement. The Freemasons are a "local" front for the Cabal. The 13 Families are actually the highest level of control within the Jesuit Illuminati.
All of them are Lucefarians.
Please share your thoughts. Thanks.
PS: Thanks for the sticky, but more importantly I am very thankful for everyones input! Great reading and learning!
Robert Sepehr explains, citing Robinsons Proofs of a Conspiracy (very old conspiracy book)
Useful to note that founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, "Brother Spartacus" aka Adam Weishaupt was a Jesuit, which he himself told us. Freemasonry was infiltrated by the Illuminati, and that means basically the jesuit order. At a certain point they became one and the same, subsidiaries with different branding.
The knights of malta are a freemasonic high order, above 33 degree. They are basically an advanced order, and answer to the pope. So you start as a protestant (in america, england) and end up a jesuit. Freemasonry is not associated with any one particular religion and that's why they're all around the world. Talking about religion is prohibited in the lodge; as they are considered to be human oriented, celebrating all the main human religions as pathways to higher understanding of something greater than oneself. But that's the story. The reality is that it's a secret soceity out in the open, posing as an ecumenical, social club working in the interest of the community when it's really a mystery school religion, perpetuating esoteric human knowledge and spirtualism collected, collated and syncretized by the esoteric aspects of every orthodox religion (cabbalism and caldean numerology is to judaism; divination-platonism-mithraism-ceremonial magic is to pan-middle-eastern and european paganism; alchemy/rosicrucianism (gnosticism) is to christianity; sufism is to islam; tantra is to buddhism; mandeanism is to zoroastrianism; and taoism is to confucianism/zen buddhism) into some kind of cohesive framework by "woo open sourcers / humanitarians" such as madam blavatsky, alice bailey, leadbeater and rudolph steiner etc in the late 19th and early 20th centuries under various names such as theosophy, anthroposophy, neoanthroposophy, etc
I put all of the above into a catch all (probably improperly) of modern alchemical gnosticism; and it's very clear that the freemasons (remember: controlled by jesuits) are an order of alchemy in the modern age. These groups are responsible for psychedelics being illegal, because they themselves use them as tools for both mind control, remote viewing, prognostication, accessing the divine, accessing higher realms of thought, awakening the nous muse (creativity of the species), and other forms of advanced treachery, wonder. They put the brakes on it, because they want to monetize every step of human advancement, and slow it down. They are basically, the retarders. Their job is the retardification of humanity, otherwise they'd come out of their little magical closets and start introducing some of their great works to us,; they'd claim ownership; and they'd invite anyone, instead of just hiding away and hiding away their secrets. They assume the worst of us, and maybe they are just bad people pretending they are good. Who knows?
countdown to freemasons replying here that I am a crazy person and should check myself into an asylum. If that's the case, bark up robert sepehr's tree, and countless hours of research done by many others I can point to including manly p hall an honorary mason and your own precious morals and dogma author albert pike!