posted ago by penisse ago by penisse +22 / -0

Part 1

The other way you can discern 45 - 47 from everyone else is…

Drum roll…

Laws and Orders in place… that outline everything you’ve been witnessing…


“Drain that swamp!”

Don’t chant it if you don’t mean it.

The Swamp definitely has democrats and liberals…

Those were to be expected…

But the ones we really want out are the WOLVES IN SHEEP CLOTHING.

Those are the ones only those who know… know.

How is it that me, and a few others are always ahead of when the truth spills out?

Researching the right material.

The current Laws and Orders prove everything that's going on. 

Hence why the Department of Defense is flying with Presidential Call Sign SAM, and Air Force One has flown No Call Sign.

If someone claimed to work with the Department of Defense on mainstream media, podcasts, and their social media... and didn't... they'd have someone at their door from the DoD quicker than Mike Tyson can curl a cherry stem in a knoth.

Notice how I've always shown my face and full name from day one? Notice how Dr. Jan shows her face and full name?    Many who use "Q" , "17" , "Trump" in their usernames who all tout they're a part of the operation... be careful. Most have an agenda. 

Now, there's some good people in the fight that chose to not show their face and have a cool username aka brand, but they align with 45-47... not attacking and creating more division.

Anyone who's attacking someone for showing the Laws and Orders and visuals of those being enforced by President Trump, 45-47, but claims to "support" him especially using Q, 17, and his namesake... has an ulterior motive whether it's for selfish and ignorant gain or they're working for someone with an agenda which all go against 45-47.

With under 6 months to go until what 45-47 calls the biggest Election in World History... whether you believe an election will take place or not... we should be promoting President Trump and ALL his endorsements. That's EVERY bit of the fight. Those endorsements are who knows the Laws and Orders he put into place.

It's expected from the left, fascists, communists, socialists, but once again anyone who calls themselves a "Patriot" who's attacking someone for showing the Laws and Orders put into place by the man they "claim" to support is either stupid, ignorant, a fool, and has an agenda. They are NOT a Patriot by any stretch of the margin. 

This is a spiritual and information war. Your discernment will come even more when you empower yourself and read the Laws and Orders that President Trump put into place that are on display all day, every day. 

That's how you're going to quit playing the flip flop game of "I don't know who to listen to or trust" and that's how you're going to unfollow and stand tall behind those of us calling out the wolves in sheep's clothing.

It's one thing to be a liberal, fascist, communist, and socialist... they're at least proud of who they are and let you know if from the start...

It's another for one of those to have you deceived and fooled... you're in their Venus flytrap and they're going to take you for a ride and more $$$. 

Yesterday, I was attacked by 5 Blue Check accounts... 2 of them tout 86,000 and 176,000 followers... all being duped by official symbols from this Operation. 

Symbolism will be their downfall. That's a Q post. And here's all those accounts with symbolism attacking the very one who shows Laws and Orders by 45-47 currently in place and operations?

Guess who follows one of them? A particular 3 Star General. Guess who the others are linked to? Some other recent attackers saying "Trump took a deal"... 

Do any of those align with supporting President Trump? Do any of those align with campaigning for President Trump? Since they all say "Trump took a deal", are any of those talking about President Trump for 47? #no

A 3 Star General who's NOT promoting 45-47 for 47... but what is he promoting 5 months before November? His movie.

A couple weeks ago this 3 Star General was on a notable podcast, one I go on... and he made this comment:

Part 2

"I knew this Nation was going socialist when I was in the Military"... 

This 3 Star General took the Director of National Intelligence Agency position with Obama in July 2012... 

The office of DIA Director is rotated between three-star Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps officers generally every three years. Current officers, not retired. 

As of May 2024, there are 164 active-duty 3 Star Generals on Duty. 

If this 3 Star General cares so much about this Country... Why isn't he all about and campaigning for 47? 

I mean, this is the same 3 Star General who YELLS and LASHES at hosts and tells them "there is no operation taking place" and "anyone who says President Trump is still CIC is an infiltrator"...

Laws and Orders show President Trump is a Wartime President. President Trump tells the whole world he is by visuals such as saluting the Flag and standing with the Adjutant General of Texas, and so much more. 

Because if this 3 Star General saw the Nation was going socialist while in the Military... and claims to care about it like he says, then why did he take a position with Obama? 

He was not the only 3 Star General offered this position. He could have declined. And why isn't he all about 45 being 47? Where's the same passion? 

How come other Generals, Admirals, Colonels, Lieutenant Colonels, Majors can talk Laws and Orders, Special Operations etc.? He's not the only high ranking officer who had TS/SCI with layers and layers of secrets. 

If a retired General is under an NDA and part of an Operation... 

One, they wouldn't be all over the podcast world like this one especially on low-level shows that lie about their subscriber count and viewership. They have bigger fish to fry if they're involved in operations which involve men and women's lives. 

Two, most of these podcasts are pre-recorded which means you can skip the question or refuse to answer in which a 3 Star General should already have strict policies prior to the show. 

Three, this close to November with all the beautiful visuals of cleanout and new monetary systems all over the world... We are not in grave danger to be acting like these people with the vicious attacks and blatant lies... those prove they have an agenda of their own.

Especially when they ALL tie into each other and none of them are promoting 45 for 47 since they say the dash is a mistake by DJT with their verbal posts and actions to attack. 

Why aren't they reflecting the attitude and characteristics of President Trump to the people?  

Another thing... I have 110% solid proof via evidence that one of the podcasts he was recently on... the host, is the main guy who recruited the military officer to try to "take me down" which included fabricated lies and false information including trying to pre-fabricate text messages between me and an underage girl using one of my friend's names.

I have solid proof of the connection trail. From who was following who... to who put them on their first "podcast" with high viewership... and all the text messages from a true Patriot who did not want to be an accomplice and gave up the text messages... 

All premeditated, showing intent and motives. Now, some of those are either just uneducated, stupid, and ignorant or all the above, or they're just that evil. 

These people are sick, disgusting, and evil. 

And if they truly cared about their name and reputation, they'd be trying to solve this and clear their names cordially and professionally, versus attacking.

Because I too... have it all, caught them all. All I have to do is start dropping names and evidence. 

And why are they all tied to the 3 Star General?

"But why would President Trump pardon him?"

Keep your friends close and enemies closer. 

Many of these low-level idiots do not realize that they've been Venus-flytrapped. The operation was not just to take out senior level operatives... it was to go as far down the tunnel possible... and take out those who will replace those above them.

They’re all tied in and can’t get out now.

These low level attackers are in no official capacity.

Part 3

They show their colors when they do not know the Laws and Orders... which needs to happen... they're on full display... giant red x on their foreheads... 

These are the same people who do not know Laws and Orders in place. They also talk about "Biden" in present tense which means they think he's real or they're trying to capture the audiences that have not been educated on what's in place yet to build their agenda and make $$$. They all have advertisements and subscriptions. 

When they talk about "Biden" in present tense that means they think he's real and president. Which also means what? They've never been around the real 3 Star General, but they'd just want a name, notoriety, and a "position", so why do they attack? To get in the graces of that person they think has a chance at something 'greater' than where they are.

It's up to you people to know the Laws and Orders and EMPOWER yourselves where you'll stay away from them. 

Why does the 3 Star always talk about J6 so much? 

Who has it all? Who caught them all? 

This 3 Star General or President Trump?

President Trump says, "We have it all. We've caught them all. NO ONE could have caught them but me".

So, why does this 3 Star talk about J6 so much? 

The 3 Star has been replaced. If you cannot tell the difference between the alien head and elf ears versus the one they show today... you need your eyes examined.

The same with all those who say "Biden" just "aged"... you're blind and dumb. If you're not dumb, then don't display it for the whole world to see. Educate yourselves. 

Once again, you use all those Laws and Orders on paper to turn the tables on all the MOUTHS who claimed to be all about this Nation... 

You get ALL eyes on them... and you make them do things they NEVER would have done or supported and you turn the negative into positive by using the names that can be used for all the people who supported these individuals... 

That's 5D Chess right there. Then once all the people are desensitized with truth from all angles and aspects from all kinds of talking heads that everyone once knew that reach the Americans who listen to them...

Then you present ALL the evidence to the people. "We have it all. We've caught them all. No one could have caught them but me".  

When people say 'trust your gut' in this arena... that requires knowing the whole reason we're having this conversation.

There's 3 branches of government. Executive, Legislative, Judicial. 

Legislative writes the laws. Executive enforces the laws. Judicial interprets the laws.

Notice the word Law. 

If the Laws and Orders didn't mean anything... "Biden" wouldn't be extending 11 Executive Orders with 11 National Emergencies the past 3 years by President Trump.

If "Biden" was President... and the liberals were in charge of this Nation... they would have demolished EVERY Law and Order that President Trump put into place against their Federal Corporation. 

Might want to know the Laws and Orders President Trump put into place before you can claim to support him then you can trust the man, the plan, and your gut.

