From the Daily Sceptic... Matthew 24:9 is coming true: you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake...
"Muslim candidates and elected representatives… need make no excuses for their personal faith. To criticise a Muslim, or any other minority, for the illiberal tenets of their faith would be prejudicial. But Christians? They’re fair game."
I keep hearing the “there are hundreds of religions and God is the same for all of them” lie.
this is truly a lie of the devil.
How do you typically respond when people say, “but we all come from the same source”? Which is true, God created everything. God also knows everything. Why create something you know is going to be eternally damned if you don’t follow a certain path (in our case, Christianity).
This is one thing I wrestle and struggle with constantly.
now reading this in the context from my reply to Honor+Duty, i respond by saying we all are created by the One true God. it's who we decide to worship that makes man different from one another.
Totally agree. But where i struggle is when i tell people God knows everything. So if He’s all loving AND all knowing, why create them, then allow your creation to worship something that will lead them to damnation? It’s what I struggle with. My mind goes back to free will but that’s not enough for people.