Ok, so how do you DRS, stepwise, if the GME is in an IRA?
It sounds like it requires setting up a holding corporation, but the specifics aren’t clear. That’s not exactly the sort of thing that your everyday crayon eating ape does.
there are a few ways to do this. Its all on this excellent website made by GME apes. One of the ways mentioned can cause a tax event, just remember that for tax time.
The DRSGME website has step-by-step instructions for everything DRS related.
Everyone can DRS. There is nobody that "cant DRS".
Ok, so how do you DRS, stepwise, if the GME is in an IRA?
It sounds like it requires setting up a holding corporation, but the specifics aren’t clear. That’s not exactly the sort of thing that your everyday crayon eating ape does.
there are a few ways to do this. Its all on this excellent website made by GME apes. One of the ways mentioned can cause a tax event, just remember that for tax time.
The DRSGME website has step-by-step instructions for everything DRS related.