Correct...Film by Sacha Stone...
This is something we all need to come to grips with...the end game or ultimate goal of our use of this silent weapon that is such a threat to humanity...are we pawns participating in our own demise?
I ditched HBO when the Kenyan & BM came on board so not sure where to watch Season 4 (debuted June 2022) & my limited time is precious so here’s wiki’s synopsis for similar frens:
In the fourth season, humanity has lost the war, with Charlotte Hale's host copy having filled the power vacuum left behind by Engerraund Serac and his Rehoboam. Charlotte succeeds in taking control of the world using a bio-engineered virus that infects humans over the course of a generation and makes them susceptible to her and other Hosts' orders, effectively switching the role dynamic between humans and Hosts. Two decades later, Christina, a woman who works at a video game company and writes non-playable character (NPC) storylines and backstories, gradually begins to question the nature of her reality after she realizes that it appears her stories are somehow translating to the lives of humans in the real world. In actuality, she is a program created by Charlotte to manage a largely docile humanity, with the Hosts now controlling humanity and managing their lives through her carefully detailed and manufactured "storylines", which are transmitted directly to the minds and lives of humans through a series of radio-sonic transmission "tones". Meanwhile, Bernard reunites with Maeve and enlists a group of "outliers" (humans who have evolved immunity to the Hosts' virus) against Charlotte's regime. The season climaxes with William unraveling the tone program, which throws the world into chaos and starts an extinction-level war between the liberated humans and hosts all across the globe. At the conclusion of the series, Charlotte uploads Christina's code into the Sublime, where she finally reacquires her sentience and realizes she is herself a reprogrammed version of Dolores Abernathy, and as humanity is on the brink of true extinction, decides to simulate "one last game" to determine if any part of human sentience may yet be preserved in a new world.
Yep, and Charlotte uses 5g towers to emit a frequency that then controls everyone that has the nonobot virus in them. It is pretty wild.
Not to mention S3 has an AI system that knows everything about everyone , including when and how they will die. It then uses the people who think they are in power as agents to suit the AI agenda. The creators are def in tune with real life goings on.