posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +112 / -1

With Biden's health looking worse each and every day, when will the democrats use the 25th Amendment to remove Biden from office?

Remember When Trump said the 25th Amendment will come back to haunt Biden and the Biden Administration? How did Trump know? I'm thinking Trump was cluing us in to the plan with the video below.


So that means according to the presidential order of succession, the Vice President Kamala Harris steps up as acting President. Not so fast!

There may be a few things that prevents Kamala from taking the seat.

Kamala Harris's father was Jamaican, her mother was Indian. They came to the USA in early 1960's, met at university in 1962 and got married in 1963. Kamala Harris was born in 1964.

Now read the context of the Constitution of Jamacia below.

Constitution of Jamacia


Chapter 2

[Read 2 / b / ii as a sentence]

  1. A person shall be deemed to be born in Jamaica-

a. if he is born on a ship or aircraft registered in Jamaica or belonging to the Government; or

b. if at the time of his birth his mother-

i. is a citizen of Jamaica residing in a country other than Jamaica by reason of her employment in the diplomatic service of Jamaica; or

ii. whether or not a citizen of Jamaica, is residing in a country other than Jamaica by reason of her being married to a citizen of Jamaica who is residing in that country by reason of his employment in the diplomatic service of Jamaica.

The Constitution of Jamacia simply states that Kamala is a citizen of Jamacia.

Eligibility requirements state that you must be a natural born citizen to become President.

The intent behind the eligibility requirements for the U.S. presidency is to safeguard the nationโ€™s well-being, ensure allegiance and prevent foreign influence or divided loyalties.

It has been argued that if you are born on American soil, you are a natural born citizen. Not so fast!

Listen to following video, this lady explains the natural born citizen term in great detail.


Law of Nations, 1758 law book defines "natural born citizen" (Look at the second paragraph)


You can bet your GME shares that Kamala will be vetted and her eligibility will be determined insufficient.

Now that we have explained in great detail that Kamala is not eligible to be President who is next on the presidential order of succession list? Speaker Johnson.

Speaker Johnson has been acting a lot like a democrat lately. Giving money to Ukraine and Israel. Leaving the border wide open without negotiating a solution with the recent bills passed by Congress.

These 163 House Democrats voted to protect Mike Johnson from MTG's ouster effort


I assume if we vet Kamala's eligibility for the presidential seat and prevent her from taking the helm, the democrats will want to vet Speaker Johnson as well.

Thats the thing, Democrats love Speaker Johnson and when he gets called up to replace Biden and Kamala, Johnson needs to be someone the democrats trust. Does it make more sense that Speaker Johnson is acting like a democrat these days. He has not been bought or blackmailed, he is a President Trump's Trojan Horse.