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New Study From Czech Republic Confirms Covid Vaccines Have Around Zero Efficacy Against Death


In 2021, we were flooded with visuals showing us how effective the mRNA vaccines were against death from Covid. ...

Much of this was an illusion. Back then, they did not display comparable graphs for non-Covid deaths. If they did, we would have seen that the vaccinated also fared better on non-Covid mortality. Of course, no one expects these vaccines to prevent death from cancer, heart disease, stroke and so on.

The pseudo-effectiveness of Covid vaccines against death from unrelated causes is not a new observation. The same kind of pseudo-effectiveness was discovered long ago for the flu vaccines. It is called the ‘healthy vaccinee effect’.

For various reasons unrelated to the vaccines, people who are vaccinated have better background health on average than people who are not, and therefore they are less likely to die from ‘anything’, including flu and Covid. Vaccinated or not, they would have had lower Covid mortality than their unvaccinated counterparts. ...

A recent study from the Czech Republic has made significant contributions to the scientific literature on Covid vaccines and the healthy vaccinee effect.

The main article (linked above) is good background reading. The actual scientific article is here: https://www.ijidonline.com/article/S1201-9712(24)00046-8/fulltext But read both: the main article explains a lot of the statistics in the scientific article.

Good material to circulate.