posted ago by FuckNewsom ago by FuckNewsom +41 / -0

Our Take: “When we talk about narrative seeding and game theory, among the best examples is when Trump went all in against Islam in the lead-up to the 2016 election, then turned around and rug-pulled everybody by visiting Saudi Arabia and being received like a conquering hero.

We are now seeing the second coming of that rug-pull.

Democrat voters were already sympathetic toward Muslims in the Middle East due to Bush's Iraq War, but Trump's antagonistic demeanor and brilliant delivery as the heel of the Left during 2016 exacerbated that sentiment toward Muslims and set it in stone.

I personally believe that President Trump's decision to implement Devolution was not just based on the state of domestic affairs in America in December 2020, but was also based on the stark reality that the foreign lobby ultimately rules DC. Therefore, a foreign group of powerful actors would have been empowered to weaponize DC against President Trump had he done anything other than walk away.

At the head of this host is the Israeli lobby—led by AIPAC—which just yesterday released a video boasting that they have been donating to basically every politician in DC since the middle of the 20th century, effectively bragging that they have owned them all. (An ad about ‘bipartisan’ support for Israel.)

In 1957, Senator Stuart Symington attempted to bring legislation to the Senate floor that would have forced the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the most powerful Israeli lobby group, to register as a foreign agent. He failed to get necessary support, but one senator did support Symington's proposal:

John F. Kennedy.

President Kennedy would have a very contemptuous relationship with AIPAC and the government of Israel during his presidency. He, too, sought to get AIPAC registered as a foreign agent—as all foreign lobby groups are required to do, per federal law—as he believed that AIPAC was working behind the scenes in DC and subverting his efforts to pursue nuclear disarmament.

Symington would remain in the Senate, and succeed in passing an amendment to the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty in the 1970's that prohibits the US from giving foreign aid to any government found in violation of the treaty. It has yet to be enforced against Israel.

It is awfully convenient that Trump doesn't have to be the one in office while the Israeli Deep State implodes on the world stage. And the icing on the cake is that Biden has to obey the masters of DC, in spite of his base, which is in full sympathy of the Muslims, in large part due to [2016] Candidate Trump.

Trump is a chess master.” — GhostofBasedPatrickHenry