A few weeks ago at a group of pro-Zionist/Israel thugs showed up to the encampment at UCLA and beat the shit out of the unarmed protestors with metal poles, baseball bats, and 2x4s for over 4 hours straight while the LAPD watched and did nothing. It was captured on livestream and even on helicopter cam for the whole world to see.
For weeks the LAPD, the FBI, and the DA have been unwilling to identify and arrest the ones responsible. This injustice will no longer stand, the identities of these criminals who are guilty of countless violent counts and even attempted murder (pic related) are now being released.
Through the investigation we have identified one of the perpetrators as Alon Abishoor. Alon Abishoor comes from a very wealthy family and through my investigation I have found him and his entire family to be running a money laundering scheme with nearly a dozen 501(c)s and a fraudulent real estate company along with multiple investment LLCs.
None of these people are American Citizens, they are all here on 90 day visits that don't require Visas. They are running fraudulent companies, scamming US tax dollars, one of them is literally a foreign soldier attempting to murder US citizens on US soil.
The media, the LAPD, the DA, the Governor NO ONE is willing to touch these jews because they are rich and powerful! NO MORE! Their names are now known to all!
CNN reports on the violence for the first time in three weeks and names a few names (not the important ones though) -- CNN names pic related as "Edon On" and he "Plans to join the IDF in September" also "He is 17 years old"
CNN also confirms no pending/active investigation from LAPD, CHP, or UCLA Police as everyone suspected.
The United States Congress is obligated to bring these people to justice.
The name of one such IDF soldier was Eliran Bismut. He was in the US not on a VISA but on a 90 day "special visiting pass" that allows Israelis to bypass VISA requirements. HE IS AN ISRAELI SOLDIER WHO SPECIFICALLY CAME TO THE US TO ATTACK AMERICAN CITIZENS AND ATTEMPT TO SERIOUSLY INJUR OR KILL THEM. Eliran Bismut a literal IDF soldier who had his brother recently killed in Gaza. He was there to crack skulls and he accomplished that goal using a large piece of wood to crush a mans skull in to the point where it needed over 20 staples
To make matters worse the DA, the Police Chief, the FBI, every LEO is actively protecting these men after they so viciously and brazenly attempted to kill American Citizens on livestream. There are no warrants out for their arrests. There ARE no ongoing investigations. The media is refusing to talk about it!
Alon Abishoor comes from an extremely wealthy and jewish family with lots of connections
He is running 5 or 6 501(c)s out of the same address and he is listed as the Chief Financial Officer for all of them (Pic related)
The other employees at his companies consist of members of his family such as Rony Abishoor
Alon Abishoor supposedly works at House of Shoor (another family business) which as of a few hours ago took its instagram account private in an attempt to hide more information from leaking out
When Alon's identity was first discovered somehow he immediately was able to dox his doxxer (within 15 minutes) who posted Alon's information on Instagram and sent him this seething and threatening voicemail demanding that he take down the post or Alon would use his connections and destroy the doxxers "Credit Score": https://vocaroo.com/1iyfjxMIlxrA
Rony Abishoor recently (as of 2022) purchased a multi-million dollar development property in LA.
Rony Abishoor
listed as contact for Love is Real Movement 501(c)
Looks like when they aren't conducting seemingly shady business through their 501(c)s they are buying lots of multi million dollar properties.
Money laundering for MOSSAD?
Would explain why the Police Chief, the DA, and even the FBI are unwilling to go after these men despite overwhelming evidence of them committing assault, attempted murder, battery, and hate crimes on livestream.
This is Eliran Bismut, Here is Eliran Bismut proud to be a soldier***
Here is Malachi Joshua Marlan-Librett making on @ABC7 the day after he assaulted UCLA students and journalists. A week later, UCLA responded by arresting journalists that covered this event.
Imagine if the Citizens of the USA seized all the MOSSAD assets. There is an ex MOSSAD agent in Canada buying up huge amounts of farm land in Southern Ontario. Then they are flooding the area with migrants and building on the farm land and reaping a huge return on investment. It's one giant money laundering without any accountability. Officials are too afraid to pursue.
Dang...that's a complex unearthing of some very nasty shit. Even just skimming over it makes me wonder how this world could ever be remedied.
Being shamelessly positive, though...I'm going with the idea that the bad guys (keeping it simple) know that they're done, and they just are lashing out with what little ammo they have left. Even so, is our military really poised and ready to swiftly do what needs doing to secure our country?
Although my account is two years old, I only started posting here recently. As with all forum, there are good and bad mods. Usually the good mods don't want to accept that some of their peers have ulterior motives.
It's just part of the game. The only way to combat it is to make people aware of the tactics shills use. Check my post history, day before yesterday I was scolded by a mod for calling out that specific users ALWAYS come into any thread related to Jews and run defense, but magically, yesterday you saw all the pro-zionist shills attacking me and my posts and no one says a word. Yesterday I was called and I quote:
You are an unAmerican and unpatriotic cuckold. Venting by satisfying your need for division is the reason you do not belong.
No mods came to say a word.
But today u/PankekGirl was banned for saying someone "must be retarded" for implying they were ok with IDF agents almost killing American college students.
The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies:
It is important to also be harvesting and continually maneuvering for a forum moderator position. Once this position is obtained, the forum can then be effectively and quietly controlled by deleting unfavourable postings - and one can eventually steer the forum into complete failure and lack of interest by the general public. This is the 'ultimate victory' as the forum is no longer participated with by the general public and no longer useful in maintaining their freedoms. Depending on the level of control you can obtain, you can deliberately steer a forum into defeat by censoring postings, deleting memberships, flooding, and or accidentally taking the forum offline. By this method the forum can be quickly killed. However it is not always in the interest to kill a forum as it can be converted into a 'honey pot' gathering center to collect and misdirect newcomers and from this point be completely used for your control for your agenda purposes.
They didn't. They banned someone for being uncivil. I suggest you read the sidebar.
Civil Discussion ONLY: They want you divided.
They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc.
Divided you are weak [no collective power].
Divided you attack each other and miss the true target [them].
Defunding police left a power vacuum in some areas of law enforcement. Thankfully, we have Israeli migrants willing and able to do those jobs Americans don't want.
**IDF member and Israeli CEO linked to bloody attack at UCLA ** https://justicereport.net/2024/05/16/idf-member-and-israeli-ceo-linked-to-bloody-attack-at-ucla/
UCLA Attackers Exposed: Meet the Violent Zionist Agitators LA Police Haven’t Arrested
A few weeks ago at a group of pro-Zionist/Israel thugs showed up to the encampment at UCLA and beat the shit out of the unarmed protestors with metal poles, baseball bats, and 2x4s for over 4 hours straight while the LAPD watched and did nothing. It was captured on livestream and even on helicopter cam for the whole world to see.
For weeks the LAPD, the FBI, and the DA have been unwilling to identify and arrest the ones responsible. This injustice will no longer stand, the identities of these criminals who are guilty of countless violent counts and even attempted murder (pic related) are now being released.
Through the investigation we have identified one of the perpetrators as Alon Abishoor. Alon Abishoor comes from a very wealthy family and through my investigation I have found him and his entire family to be running a money laundering scheme with nearly a dozen 501(c)s and a fraudulent real estate company along with multiple investment LLCs.
None of these people are American Citizens, they are all here on 90 day visits that don't require Visas. They are running fraudulent companies, scamming US tax dollars, one of them is literally a foreign soldier attempting to murder US citizens on US soil.
The media, the LAPD, the DA, the Governor NO ONE is willing to touch these jews because they are rich and powerful! NO MORE! Their names are now known to all!
UPDATE: https://x.com/KyungLahCNN/status/1790908711898165639
CNN reports on the violence for the first time in three weeks and names a few names (not the important ones though) -- CNN names pic related as "Edon On" and he "Plans to join the IDF in September" also "He is 17 years old"
CNN also confirms no pending/active investigation from LAPD, CHP, or UCLA Police as everyone suspected.
The United States Congress is obligated to bring these people to justice.
The name of one such IDF soldier was Eliran Bismut. He was in the US not on a VISA but on a 90 day "special visiting pass" that allows Israelis to bypass VISA requirements. HE IS AN ISRAELI SOLDIER WHO SPECIFICALLY CAME TO THE US TO ATTACK AMERICAN CITIZENS AND ATTEMPT TO SERIOUSLY INJUR OR KILL THEM. Eliran Bismut a literal IDF soldier who had his brother recently killed in Gaza. He was there to crack skulls and he accomplished that goal using a large piece of wood to crush a mans skull in to the point where it needed over 20 staples
To make matters worse the DA, the Police Chief, the FBI, every LEO is actively protecting these men after they so viciously and brazenly attempted to kill American Citizens on livestream. There are no warrants out for their arrests. There ARE no ongoing investigations. The media is refusing to talk about it!
ARCHIVES OF PREVIOUS THREADS: https://archive.is/7Du6v
Alon Abishoor
Rony Abishoor
Maytal Abishoor
Aviel Fattal
Eliran Bismut
Nathan Shaolian
Malachi Joshua Marlan-Librett
Alon Abishoor comes from an extremely wealthy and jewish family with lots of connections
He is running 5 or 6 501(c)s out of the same address and he is listed as the Chief Financial Officer for all of them (Pic related)
The other employees at his companies consist of members of his family such as Rony Abishoor
Alon Abishoor supposedly works at House of Shoor (another family business) which as of a few hours ago took its instagram account private in an attempt to hide more information from leaking out https://www.instagram.com/houseofshoor/
When Alon's identity was first discovered somehow he immediately was able to dox his doxxer (within 15 minutes) who posted Alon's information on Instagram and sent him this seething and threatening voicemail demanding that he take down the post or Alon would use his connections and destroy the doxxers "Credit Score": https://vocaroo.com/1iyfjxMIlxrA
Rony Abishoor recently (as of 2022) purchased a multi-million dollar development property in LA.
?ADDRESS: 315-319 N. Alvarado St.
Looks like when they aren't conducting seemingly shady business through their 501(c)s they are buying lots of multi million dollar properties.
Money laundering for MOSSAD?
Would explain why the Police Chief, the DA, and even the FBI are unwilling to go after these men despite overwhelming evidence of them committing assault, attempted murder, battery, and hate crimes on livestream.
This is Eliran Bismut, Here is Eliran Bismut proud to be a soldier***
His brother who died
This is Alon Abishoor
This is his families money laundering operation that they run through half a dozen or more 501(c)s
More Ashiboor MOSSAD Uniy
Maytal and Shai Abishoor which are both listed as employees at Alon Abishoors 501(c)s both signed this letter which was sent to UCLA administration.
This is a whole family of IDF agents
IDF Agent Dodgers Cap
Video of MALACHI JOSHUA MARLAN-LIBRETT repeatedly assaulting a protester.
Here is Malachi Joshua Marlan-Librett making on @ABC7 the day after he assaulted UCLA students and journalists. A week later, UCLA responded by arresting journalists that covered this event.
Not the attackers.
Aerial shot of Malachi Joshua Marlan-Librett attacking the black journalist in the blue hi vis
House of Shoor = 12 letters
Be Careful Who You Follow. Symbolism will be there DOWNFALL.
12 Letter News Agencies - 12 Tribes - Obama IRS Scandal - [MOS]/[AJ] Backed Media - Edited Graphic to conform with rules
MEET Matin Mehdizadeh - Throwing fireworks into crowds
Imagine if the Citizens of the USA seized all the MOSSAD assets. There is an ex MOSSAD agent in Canada buying up huge amounts of farm land in Southern Ontario. Then they are flooding the area with migrants and building on the farm land and reaping a huge return on investment. It's one giant money laundering without any accountability. Officials are too afraid to pursue.
Dang...that's a complex unearthing of some very nasty shit. Even just skimming over it makes me wonder how this world could ever be remedied.
Being shamelessly positive, though...I'm going with the idea that the bad guys (keeping it simple) know that they're done, and they just are lashing out with what little ammo they have left. Even so, is our military really poised and ready to swiftly do what needs doing to secure our country?
What are, "News stories that'll never be reported on The Gateway Pundit."
House of Shoor = 12 letters
Be Careful Who You Follow. Symbolism will be there DOWNFALL.
12 Letter News Agencies - 12 Tribes - Obama IRS Scandal - [MOS]/[AJ] Backed Media - Edited Graphic to conform with rules
They are exposing themselves
Looking at this thread and others, I'm seeing a lot of downvotes.
We're over the target, and they're afraid. Keep digging!
OSS_1 now you can put that "mods are compromised" stuff to bed :)
Although my account is two years old, I only started posting here recently. As with all forum, there are good and bad mods. Usually the good mods don't want to accept that some of their peers have ulterior motives.
It's just part of the game. The only way to combat it is to make people aware of the tactics shills use. Check my post history, day before yesterday I was scolded by a mod for calling out that specific users ALWAYS come into any thread related to Jews and run defense, but magically, yesterday you saw all the pro-zionist shills attacking me and my posts and no one says a word. Yesterday I was called and I quote:
No mods came to say a word.
But today u/PankekGirl was banned for saying someone "must be retarded" for implying they were ok with IDF agents almost killing American college students.
The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies:
It is important to also be harvesting and continually maneuvering for a forum moderator position. Once this position is obtained, the forum can then be effectively and quietly controlled by deleting unfavourable postings - and one can eventually steer the forum into complete failure and lack of interest by the general public. This is the 'ultimate victory' as the forum is no longer participated with by the general public and no longer useful in maintaining their freedoms. Depending on the level of control you can obtain, you can deliberately steer a forum into defeat by censoring postings, deleting memberships, flooding, and or accidentally taking the forum offline. By this method the forum can be quickly killed. However it is not always in the interest to kill a forum as it can be converted into a 'honey pot' gathering center to collect and misdirect newcomers and from this point be completely used for your control for your agenda purposes.
Fair. Hm, Pankek said Kushner is evil... I don't know about that.
Hm, interesting. Calling out his own son in law? Either kayfabe or real.
Could explain why Ivanka didn't want to help w/ the re-election campaign.
Whole lot of Kayfabe going on. New Unlocks Map. Going to be a very interesting rest of 2024 and 2025.
That's for sure. o7
Plus Kushner made Ivanka convert to Jewish or he would not marry her.
What a faggot.
Also, do you know much about Kushner and Ivanka getting billions from saudi?
Did you report it to the mods? They aren't omniscient, you know.
They didn't. They banned someone for being uncivil. I suggest you read the sidebar.
Civil Discussion ONLY:
They want you divided.
They want you labeled by race, religion, class, sex, etc.
Divided you are weak [no collective power].
Divided you attack each other and miss the true target [them].
Defunding police left a power vacuum in some areas of law enforcement. Thankfully, we have Israeli migrants willing and able to do those jobs Americans don't want.
Yeah lot of the protestors are someones kids so don't hurt them too bad. Just enough they will think twice next time.
Oh wait, are we supposed to be hating on the protestors or on the Israeilis now? I lost track... Anyways, happy Friday frogs! 🍻
Did you downvote me, bro? I don't hate anybody. Jesus taught me that.
(Fact checking...kek! 🤣)
Must be the zionists on here 🤣