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Air Force Celebrates ‘Pride Month’ Amidst ‘Worst’ Recruiting Crisis In Modern History


...In September, the Air Force announced it missed its FY2023 recruiting targets by roughly 2,700 airmen, while the Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard each experienced a 30 percent shortfall in new recruits, according to the Military Times. ...

But to all the haters saying "cause/effect":

... So-called “journalists” and industry “experts” have regularly dismissed the notion that the military’s embrace of DEI racism and radical gender ideology is contributing to its recruiting crisis. Instead, these individuals have ... blamed the crisis on factors that predated the embrace of DEI policies, such as obesity rates and fluctuating labor markets.

This should be provable one way or the or the other with surveys and statistics. I'm sure they exist, but would take some FOI requests to dig up.