there are a few ways to do this. Its all on this excellent website made by GME apes. One of the ways mentioned can cause a tax event, just remember that for tax time.
The DRSGME website has step-by-step instructions for everything DRS related.
Hat tip to u/AllMostThere
If you were able to just directly DRS from any IRA then the entire guide would never have needed to exist. I'm also one of those who got screwed over by MainStar last year.
Here’s a question - if we shouldn’t try sticking around till the bitter end, as was suggested to me the other day, what’s the quickest way to sell a DRS’ed stock when the time comes?
If they're in ComputerShare from a non-IRA you can sell online straight from their website though it's a market sell there's no limit sell option. If in a self-custodian IRA like IRA Financial you instruct them to sell and they handle the sale.
There is limit sell on Computershare.
Same here. MainStar was big waste of time.