Went to visit my last remaining old friend, she told me she had just had another Covid shot. I was so shocked I yelled "YOU SILLY WOMAN! WHY?" She was taken aback and sheepishly said "new variant". I wanted to scream, rant and rage but restrained myself. She is very sweet, kind and generous but not too bright, there was no point in saying anything more. She said she hadn't been feeling well since. God help us.
I am so disappointed: I warned her about the shots, she knew my son-in-law died suddenly after Moderna x2. I lost a friend at the end of last year: she got cancer after the vaxx. So angry that this is still being pushed on the elderly and the vulnerable. Want to get a can of red paint and spray COMPLICIT IN GENOCIDE all over the local surgery. They are total BASTARDS. I know its un-Christian, but a part of me wants to see heads on spikes.
Seriously wondering who will be left at this rate. When will this end?
My Mom has been diagnosed with stage 3b ovarian a couple weeks ago. Since the injections she had Covid five times, developed heart problems, blood clots and suffered a stroke... now this. She begins chemo in another week or so. Hysterectomy was last week. I tried to warn all of my immediate family members. Only my two children listened to my warnings. Everyone else ridiculed me. It is tough to watch them suffer this. God help us all. 🙏