Then: SA carried out unchecked street violence against JEWs and Nazi opponents
Protocol No. 2
Through the Press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shade; thanks to the Press we have got the GOLD in our hands, notwithstanding that we have had to gather it out of the oceans of blood and tears. But it has paid us, though we have sacrificed many of our people. Each victim on our side is worth in the sight of God a thousand GOYIM
And how far-seeing were our learned elders in ancient times when they said that to attain a serious end it behooves not to stop at any means or to count the victims
sacrificed for the sake of that end .... We have not counted the victims of the seed of the GOY cattle, though we have sacrificed many of our own, but for that we have now already given them such a position on the earth as they could not even have dreamed of. The comparatively small numbers of the victims from the number of ours have preserved our nationality from destruction.
Then: SA carried out unchecked street violence against Jews and Nazi opponents
Now: [D] gov/mayor(s) carried out unchecked [deliberate non_prosecution orders 24-hour release] of Antifa rioters arrested [street violence ā block-by-block takeover(s)]?
[D] gov/mayor(s) release of violent criminals [many thousands] from prison(s) under guise of C19?
Use of propaganda by Nazi Germany
Use of propaganda by MSDNC / Social Media (control of narrative ā terminate opposing message
Soros history
Assault on America.
Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to condemn the violence?
Ask yourself, why are [D] party leaders refusing to seek a unified republic?
Was the Nazi party ever truly destroyed (eradicated)?
Did the belief carry-on [re-deployed]?
Background of Soros?
Protocol No. 2
Through the Press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shade; thanks to the Press we have got the GOLD in our hands, notwithstanding that we have had to gather it out of the oceans of blood and tears. But it has paid us, though we have sacrificed many of our people. Each victim on our side is worth in the sight of God a thousand GOYIM
So all Iām getting from that is the Jews sacrificed their own? With their puppet HITLER?
Say you denounce HITLER and Nazis?
What about rest of post?
Are you going to ask me to denounce Hamas next, piers?
No, just Hitler.
I want to see your words standing in stark contrast to the Q posts.