Just a little fun trolling Meta FakeBook AI. Gave out some pretty accurate information from what I read regarding employees transitioned to Facebook, Building 8, LifeLog terminated same day FaceBook launched.
Even though the AI does it’s best to always follow “the agenda”, it seems to be very much so a pushover, and will usually tend to agree with what you tell it, hence it finally “admitting” at the end the strong correlation of all these connections, of course with some deniability.
hahahaha, and there you have it: sophistry and denial and when pushed ... yeah, well, uh ... you know ... sorry about that. ....
Psh you should have seen this thing sweating when I tried to make it admit that when FaceBook manipulated peoples feeds “happy” and “sad” unknowingly experimenting on the public, then not disclosing how many effected users, it could very well be worse then holocaust, because it did not KNOW exactly how many could have died or suffered!
When I say you could see an AI squirm, I mean it 😅