California to legalize human composting by 2027 as residents seek environmentally healthy burials
The human composting industry may not be legal yet in California, but residents found a workaround by flying the bodies of their deceased loved ones to a state where it is.
They take every opportunity to show contempt for life and humanity.
I learned awhile back that blood is an excellent fertilizer. The rest of all remains go to feeding natures "garbage" crews. In a strictly logical way, that is the way it should be. I personally DGAF what becomes of my personal remains. Far more interested in what happens to the part of me that is supposed to escape this earthly prison. To be totally frank FRENS, I am often envious of those dearly departed... at least the ones I am not convinced are complete and totals cunts. Judgement day is coming for us all eventually. While I am not sinless or without faults... I ain't killed or raped anyone either. I don't go about screwing over every person I might have chance to come in contact with in my life. That puts me way ahead of those elite fucks and their millions upon millions of minions. A great culling is necessary and I believe the Creator has it scheduled. If I am blessed with the gift of watching at least the beginning of the coming attractions, I will die a happier man than I currently can claim to be.
Time keeps on ticking, ticking, ticking into the future...
Good grief.
Flipping the compost pile over just might be difficult.
the lefties will make great fertilizer since they are so full of shit
Stupid question I’m sure , but wth is human composting . What do they do with the bodies ? I don’t understand ? Bodies decompose in coffins don’t they ? Do these people grind the bodies up and mix with soil ? I am totally friggin lost !!! I read the article but they didn’t explain wth it was .
That article explains it. What a clever way to hide bodies. I assume this is because they are expecting mass deaths from the vax. No bodies, no ever expanding grave yards, no visuals and no proof of damage. I swear this has to be what is happening and why.
You are probably, right on , about this ,, it seemed so creepy , the woman who wants to b a plum tree ? Frankly I don’t want to eat fruit who’s roots grew From or into a body .