134 Q Related: The Joe Rogan w/ Terrence Howard pod hasn't been talked about here. It's a good one! He talks about tones and frequencies, and it goes hand in hand with Q's: "Can music heal" Youtube started suppressing views on it today. (1x1 does not = 2, so you'll have to get passed the first 15 m) (www.youtube.com) 💊 RED PILLS 💊 posted 211 days ago by gigabump3 211 days ago by gigabump3 +136 / -2 63 comments share 63 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Try to be easy on them TheHumanPrimer they tend to short-circuit at this point.
He's about to give you the ol' "do not compute" in the form of a digital rage quit. A failure to respond.
Damn NPC's.
LOL thanks for the warning but no problems mate! It is impossible to offend me.
I can tell you'll be fine. 😂
It's not you I speak of though.