This is the definitive website for information on Linus Pauling's includes videos, testimonies, is very extensive but truthfully it is a great starting point to understand all that Linus Pauling and his colleagues learned. I could post some of the various aspects of this website, but it is so inclusive I will let the serious minded anons pick and choose what they want to watch or read...
At some point we have to study and learn on our own since the medical profession has become so money driven and actually has nothing to do with being healthy or safely and effectively treating/healing illness. It is important to note that there has never been any follow-up or studies in any medical journals to the information Linus Pauling wrote about...totally ignored by everyone because the total medical hierarchy would collapse...very similar to withholding simple cures for cancer. In fact, this type of information is labeled as dangerous lies at best...
How to Live Longer and Feel Better - Linus Pauling
Practicing Medicine Without a License - Owen R. Fonorow
Stop America's #1 Killer - Dr. Thomas E. Levy
Doctor Yourself: Natural Healing That Works Andrew W. Saul
Peptides are a therapy that is used in Europe yet not widely known in the USA. L-Carnosine helps the heart, and Life Extension a good brand has a nice article on how the L- form helps the heart. I have used it for a few years ago, and my cardiologist said, “Brilliant”! ____Some say this peptide is inefficient, but I find it has helped me a lot. I’m not vaxx injured, I have other environmental sensitivities, but a good cardiologist, regular, or functional cardiologist should be able to let you know whoch supplements can help. Life Extension also offers “Benfotiamine” = fat soluble B1 which helps the body clear viruses, and a doctor told a nutritionist I talk with that Benfotiamine is a necessity for clearing out viruses for people who drink coffee or other caffeine drinks and food.