This is the definitive website for information on Linus Pauling's includes videos, testimonies, is very extensive but truthfully it is a great starting point to understand all that Linus Pauling and his colleagues learned. I could post some of the various aspects of this website, but it is so inclusive I will let the serious minded anons pick and choose what they want to watch or read...
At some point we have to study and learn on our own since the medical profession has become so money driven and actually has nothing to do with being healthy or safely and effectively treating/healing illness. It is important to note that there has never been any follow-up or studies in any medical journals to the information Linus Pauling wrote about...totally ignored by everyone because the total medical hierarchy would collapse...very similar to withholding simple cures for cancer. In fact, this type of information is labeled as dangerous lies at best...
How to Live Longer and Feel Better - Linus Pauling
Practicing Medicine Without a License - Owen R. Fonorow
Stop America's #1 Killer - Dr. Thomas E. Levy
Doctor Yourself: Natural Healing That Works Andrew W. Saul
I don't have a medical or nutritional background and have not researched any of the information provided in this post (other than a quick skim). And I'm certainly not going to refute any claims made. However, it seems we shouldn't need to be taking supplements. God should have provided enough nutrients in the foods we eat. That's my simple thinking.
For instance, if you look at some of the high doses of Vitamin C some sites suggest, I don't think there's any way to get that from foods we could be eating. Even if you consider a not so high dose of 5 grams a day, that would come out to around 5000 / 100 = 50 oranges a day (if I did my math correctly)!! I realize other foods have higher concentration of Vitamin C than oranges, but still, you'd have to be eating huge amounts of those foods. And that's just to get the Vitamin C. Then you might have to switch to eating huge amounts of another food to get other vitamins and minerals you need. Then you got to get your protein and fat intake.