Defunding the police might be a good thing. If the mask mandates are put back into place the walmarts and targets won't be able to call the cops on nonfacemask wearers. Just wander the store because the employees won't physically toss you out and there won't be any cops to escort you out, either.
LMAO. I am sure that the criminal will Stop what they are doing when they see a drone.
Eyes in the sky, just more invasion of privacy.... but, but, but, it will save lives and it's for your own good.
Inevitable, big brother creeping up on everyone, this is when tech sucks, it can and will be abused.
What was that old Tom Selleck movie with the deadly police spider drones? I think he played a cop that went rogue
they might when the govt starts mounting guns on them... and that's how defunding the police leads to a police state.
Obama: "Did you call me?"
Defunding the police might be a good thing. If the mask mandates are put back into place the walmarts and targets won't be able to call the cops on nonfacemask wearers. Just wander the store because the employees won't physically toss you out and there won't be any cops to escort you out, either.
Oh, I think they'll LOVE to beat up a freedom-lover; it's safer than trying to arrest an actual thief or rapist...