**SOUTH AFRICAN ELECTIONS MEGA-THREAD** As y'all know, we have a yuge S. African contributor among us, u/purkiss80, and a lot is riding on these elections down there! Will the Great Awakening take a step forward, or a step back? Frogs, pray for South Africa tonight!

Not on a single day. People who could not vote at their specified voting station could apply for a special vote (deadline 3rd May 2024) and either vote early (yesterday or the day before) or officials would visit the place of residence to allow voting in person.
But it is still a special case personally reviewed. Not just mail them out everywhere like junk mail.
Correct, however the Majority do go out on the Day to put their 3 X's.... I Just did.. Lets see what happens...There are 3 Parties we DONT want to have the Majority...ANC, EFF and the MK party...Otherwise we are in DEEP Shit...
The National Ballot: this ballot will consist of a list of political parties vying for 200 seats in the National Assembly. This ballot will be used to vote for political parties. There are currently 52 parties who will be on this ballot and the configuration will be a dual column.
The Regional or Province-to-National Ballots: it will have political parties and independents candidates contesting for the seats reserved for each province in the National Assembly. Voters will use this ballot to elect a political party or an independent candidate to represent them in the National Assembly. The number of contestants range from 30 to 44 on regional ballots. The configuration of this ballot is a single column.
The Provincial Ballots: this ballot is unique to each province and includes parties and independent candidates competing for seats in each respective provincial legislature. This ballot will allow voters to choose either a political party or an independent candidate to represent them in provincial legislatures. The number of contestants range from 24 to 45 on the provincial legislature ballots.
thanks for the explanation, keep us updated fren.
God bless you and your country.
Praying for all our SA patriots!