Just double checking before I spend that much. What is the recommended amount of it to buy for family of three or specific dosage for adult per day? Thank you.
I thought I had saved an HCQ article here but not finding it.
Are people taking HCQ and ivermectin, together?
Also the best source for Wolf Cola, Fight Milk and all of Franks Fluids (tm).
For bodyguards. By bodyguards.
They've always come through for me. I've never had a reason to take ivermectin and HCQ together so can't help you there.
I've found alldaychemist to have better pricing. The delivery time between ADC and Reynolds is the same.
I believe in getting a script from a nurse practitioner or doctor, of course, at least the first time, so you can make sure the medicine is right for you and so you can get the dosage. We did.
For our family, we buy 12 mg Ivermectin (200 count) and 3 mg (200 count) from Reynoldmeds.com and keep it at the house.. My husband is 180 lbs, so he takes one and a half of the 12 mg pills. (We split the pills.) I take one 12 mg and one 3 mg pill. Our 10-yo takes one 12 mg pill. Pretty much, you just knock the last digit off your weight to get your dosage in mg.
If we feel any cold coming on (sore throat, ear ache or lots of sneezing), we take a dose that same day (on an empty stomach, but with a little olive oil). We take it again the same time, same way, for the next two days. Usually, we do not end up needing any more, because we are better already. If not, we take it for 5 days.
With Influenza or covid, our nurse practitioner prescribed Ivermectin (same dosages), Hydroxychloroquine (200 mg with food, twice a day, and strictly 12 hours apart), Doxycycline (100 mg, twice a day, with food), and a steroid (for covid). It worked immediately.
Hydroxychloroquine will make you vomit if you do not eat enough food.
I don't believe we need to ever suffer from a respiratory virus again. We just have to take the Ivermectin when we first notice symptoms.
HC q 2 200mg tablets once a week. That was the recomendation during covid and make sure to take zinc suppliment. Hc q gets the zinc into your system. I would save IV m for colds, flu, cancer. for 200 tablets HC q .65 each another country but available. 15 per blister pack
Check out thewellnesscompany.com by Dr. Peter Mccollugh. He has multiple medications available there.
Ivermectin prevents the virus from bonding with the nucleus.
Hydroxychloroquine helps the zinc get across the cell membrane (charged particles have more trouble getting into the cell. Hydroxychloroquine helps). The zinc inhibits the reproduction of the virus.
Taking them together is recommended if you get a bad virus. The virus won't take hold and won't reproduce very much.